Understanding the Complex Relationship Between Depression and Eating Disorders

Depression or major depressive disorder is a common but serious mental health condition. We all sometimes feel sad, annoyed, or irritated which is quite normal, and nothing much to contemplate about, considering we all go through a lot of things in our daily lives. These emotions are our body’s natural...

18 April,2024 | 5 min read

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Natural Remedies for Depression: An Overview

Understanding Depression and Natural Remedies Depression, a prevalent but highly manageable mental health condition, affects around 17 million adults annually, reports the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). If you're grappling with depression, rest assured that help is within reach. When it comes to treating adult and teen...

14 November,2023 | 5 min read

Understanding Separation Anxiety In Relationships

When you hear the words separation anxiety, your mind is very naturally drawn to how your child weeps when they don't find you or the attachment that you share with your dog. However, what is often overlooked is the anxiety you may experience when you are away from your partner...

09 November,2023 | 5 min read

Anxiety Symptoms in Men: An Overview

The societal expectation of men to be strong and self-reliant often deters them from seeking emotional support and addressing their mental health. This reluctance can hinder men from recognizing and addressing issues that affect their emotional well-being.  While men are statistically less prone to anxiety and depression than women, their...

07 November,2023 | 5 min read

Anxiety and Alcohol: Connection, Causes, and Treatments

What Is the Link Between Anxiety and Alcohol? Alcohol and anxiety are intertwined in complex ways, with alcohol often mistakenly perceived as a temporary solution to alleviate anxiety symptoms. However, the relationship between them is intricate, as alcohol can provide short-lived relief while exacerbating anxiety in the long run. Understanding...

02 November,2023 | 5 min read

What Is the Link Between Anxiety and Insomnia?

The link between anxiety and insomnia forms a cyclical relationship where one condition often exacerbates the other. Anxiety can lead to sleep disturbances, while insufficient sleep can heighten anxiety symptoms. This interplay creates a challenging cycle that affects an individual's mental and physical health. This blog will explore the connection,...

31 October,2023 | 5 min read

Is There a Connection Between Anxiety and Anger?

Introduction to Anxiety and Anger: Link Between them The connection between anxiety and anger is a complex one. Anxiety can frequently trigger feelings of frustration or even anger when not properly managed. It's important to note that anxiety-related anger isn't solely about irritability; it can also involve defensive responses to...

27 October,2023 | 5 min read

Anxiety and Dizziness: What is the Connection?

The connection between anxiety and dizziness is rooted in the body’s stress response. When we experience anxiety, our body releases stress hormones like adrenaline, which can lead to physiological changes. These changes aren’t just confined to the heart and blood vessels. They influence the entire body, including the intricate network...

25 October,2023 | 5 min read

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