Stress Management

Managing Stress in Women | Essential Self-Care for Avoiding Burnout

Stress In Women: Sources and Effective Management Techniques Stress is caused by different situations for different people. What is stressful for one person, might be easily managed by another. There are many sources of stress — financial worries, job security, issues at the workplace, relationship issues, family conflict, traumatic events...

Aparna Rani

03 July,2023 | 10 months read

How Does Mindfulness Help in Stress Management?

What is Stress Management? Taking care of the levels of stress is not only good for you but can be essential to your survival and well-being. If you are someone who is living with a constant level of high stress, it will affect you over a period of time. It...

Dr. Madhukar BR

19 October,2022 | 2 years read

Stress Management for Teens: 5 Easy Ways!

Is your teenage daughter or son always irritable and enraged? Or are they withdrawn and not talking with their friends or family? Is there a sudden change in the academic performance of your teen? Irritability, self-isolation, sleeplessness, change in appetite and even physical symptoms like tension headaches are all signs...


01 November,2021 | 2 years read

Emotional Exhaustion: All you need to know

What is Emotional Exhaustion? Emotional Exhaustion is the leading sign of burnout caused due to prolonged stress in a work-life and personal life. People experiencing emotional Exhaustion often have an overwhelming feeling of not being in control of the day is one identifying sign of Exhaustion set in. Described as...

Neha Parashar

12 October,2021 | 3 years read

How to Relieve Stress?

What is Stress? Stress is essentially how we react when we feel under pressure or threatened. This occurs when we are in circumstances where we are not in control or aren’t able to manage things around us. We can experience it as an individual (for example when we have a...

Renuka B H

14 September,2021 | 3 years read

All You Need to Know About Examination Stress in Children

What is examination stress? I can’t remember what I have studied!  What is the cut-off to pass? I need to put in more effort… You may have heard your child share their nervousness and worry about the exams through these phrases. This feeling that they carry with them through the...

Gayathri Krotha

05 May,2021 | 3 years read

Will Stress Counselling Help Me Manage Stress?

Stress isn’t uncommon. We all have stress in some form or another and for one reason or another. However, stress becomes a concern when it is prolonged and is affecting other aspects of your life. For instance, if you’re losing weight due to stress, if you have lost appetite, if...

Gayathri Krotha

28 April,2021 | 3 years read

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