Understanding the Complex Relationship Between Depression and Eating Disorders

Depression or major depressive disorder is a common but serious mental health condition. We all sometimes feel sad, annoyed, or irritated which is quite normal, and nothing much to contemplate about, considering we all go through a lot of things in our daily lives. These emotions are our body’s natural...

18 April,2024 | 5 min read

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04 September,2019 | 5 min read

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Anxiety Symptoms in Men: What Are the Signs?

When it comes to anxiety, the outlook for men varies from that of women. Owing to the social structures, many men refuse to seek intervention for their anxiety, bottling up their emotions, which usually leads to several mental health disorders. If you’re experiencing anxiety issues, it’s important that you get...

28 April,2021 | 5 min read

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: All You Need To Know

PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a condition in which the patient experiences extreme mental distress due to a past traumatic event. It is a serious mental condition that results after a person has experienced a traumatic event such as physical harm, threat to life in the past, abuse...

28 April,2021 | 5 min read

Hypersomnia Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment : All You Need To Know

Experiencing sleepless nights and remaining dizzy the next day is something that we might have heard in common among most of the people. But, imagine what it might be if a person is in the state of lasting drowsiness and sleepiness? Never getting that feeling of rest and a perpetual...

28 April,2021 | 5 min read

Myths and Facts Around Alcohol

Alcohol has far-reaching effects on the human body. According to research, alcohol is one of the leading misused addictive substances. It is a depressant that slows down brain activity and is hence often linked with stress relief. What starts as a casual drink soon turns into an addiction such as...

28 April,2021 | 5 min read

Men’s mental health matters too: How Patriarchy affects men’s lives

One in seven Indians is affected by mental health issues, stated in research conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). In 2017, nearly 197 million Indians experienced mental health problems. Depression alone affected 45.7 million people while Anxiety disorders affected 44.9 million people. Now, when it comes to...

28 April,2021 | 5 min read

Anxiety Attack: What Are The Causes (And How to Treat It)

Anxiety is more than the normal stress that we go through every now and then. Anxiety disorder is a serious mental condition in which patients are excessively stressing or worrying about their self-confidence, relationship with others, their capabilities of performing daily tasks at school or work. Anxiety attacks can be...

24 March,2021 | 5 min read

15 Questions To Ask Your Psychologist

Therapy is one of the practical solutions to treat a wide range of mental disorders. However, not many feel comfortable talking to professionals about their worries. This is due to the lack of awareness that people have about therapy and its effectiveness. Selecting the right therapist can do wonders for...

24 March,2021 | 5 min read

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