
Understanding Suicidal Thoughts in Teens

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Experiencing suicide tendency means that an individual is suffering from something that they cannot bear anymore and are not able to share with anyone, not even their loved ones. This could be because of various personal and social reasons. However, it can be treated and managed with the right approach. 

Students especially are vulnerable and often don’t know how to deal with extreme stressful situations and problems in life. They need support and guidance during a crisis. If you think that the situation is getting worse and that your child is unable to cope with it, feel free to reach out to a professional.

At Cadabam’s Hospitals, we have 24x7 helpline, +91 9741476476 where our certified professionals are ready to assist you. We understand that it is a challenge to identify and deal with suicidal tendencies in teens, but our multispeciality team is with you every step of the way.  You can also email us at with your questions.

Suicidal Thoughts in Teens

 What The Data Reveals?

According to the Statistics report from the USA, 80% of suicide victims gave a warning sign. With the suicide rate up, it is important for us to understand the significance of these statistics. This should awaken us to the fact that the depressed often do send us signals. No one wants to be depressed, and this 80% statistic does alarm us that we may be able to help them. 

I hope this article will help you  recognize behaviors that may indicate your teen is at risk and what you should do to help overcome Suicidal Thoughts in Teens.

Suicidal Thoughts in Teens

Teenage Suicide- Is your Teen at risk?

It's hard to pinpoint the exact cause of suicide amongst teens. Certain genetic factors and environmental factors do play a major role in giving rise to suicidal thoughts in teens.

Here are a few questions to check out and see whether your Teen is at risk for suicide.

  1. Is your Teen likely to be suffering from any kind of mental or psychiatric disorder, diagnosed or not?
  2. Is your Teen troubled by a problematic relationship with a family member or close friend?
  3. Is there a history of any kind of abuse in your family?
  4. Is your Teen exposed to substance abuse of any kind?
  5. Is your Teen suffering from bullying or discrimination?

Being aware of any possible risks and causes can be very empowering. In other words, once you know that there could be a potential risk, you are better able to equip yourself with the necessary coping skills and strategies.

What are the warning signs of Suicidal Thoughts in Teens?

In rare instances, there may be no symptom or sign at all before a teen commits suicide. However, making a constant effort to spend time with the people you care about can make you more attuned to warning signs that would have been easily overlooked otherwise.

A teen has a high risk of committing suicide if he or she exhibits any of the following signs or symptoms:

  1. Extreme or even occasional mood swings for inexplicable reasons.
  2. Spending too much time thinking or talking about issues related to violence or death.
  3. Being depressed for a long time
  4. Admitting that they feel hopeless or trapped by a particular situation in their personal lives, at school or at work.
  5. Increased consumption of drugs, alcohol, nicotine, or any other form of substance abuse.
  6. Sudden and inexplicable changes in their regular routine, such as their sleeping patterns and eating habits.
  7. Taking sudden and too many unnecessary risks with their lives, such as reckless driving, gambling, drug-taking, or having unprotected sex.
  8. Social withdrawal, such as spending too much time alone or avoiding contact with other people.
  9. Exhibiting major personality changes as well as showing a serious inability to cope with stress and anxiety or life in general.

If you have any reason to expect that a loved one is entertaining thoughts of harming themselves, then you should contact the proper authorities about it. Be sure to share your worries with other people so that they, too, may watch over your loved one.There is a lot more you need to learn about how you can prevent teen suicide and how to help a teen who is contemplating suicide. Click here.

Action Plan To Deal With Suicidal Thoughts

Here are some things that will help in reducing suicidal thoughts -

  • Look for circumstances or triggers that can cause a feeling of despair like alcohol use, loss or death of loved ones, stress from relationships, etc. 
  • Feelings are not constant; even when everything seems hopeless, you can feel better and get back to the right track with treatment. You can learn to cope with stress and get a new perspective. 
  • Allow yourself some time; take a nap or just lie down for a while to reset your mood. 
  • Along with eating healthy food regularly and not skipping meals, ensure that you take a lot of rest to reduce the rest. This will help your body to recuperate from the past. 
  • Exercising regularly is also a great stress buster, which will make you feel more relaxed and emotionally healthy. 
  • Spend time with people who have a positive influence on your life. Either through time or money, make sure that you give back to society. Helping others and contributing to the community will help in getting over the negative feelings in your head and see life from a new perspective. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are suicidal tendencies?

It is the feeling for an individual to make an attempt to suicide. These thoughts can be triggered by a lot of personal and professional incidents. 

How to identify suicidal behavior?

Following are some of the prominent signs that a person with suicidal behavior exhibit – 

  • Extreme sadness and moodiness 
  • Sleep issues 
  • Hopelessness 
  • Feeling numb
  • Changing appearance or personality 
  • Withdrawal 
  • Self-harm behavior 
  • Recent life-crisis or trauma

What to do if you think someone is suicidal?

People who get proper support and care from family and friends and receive medical assistance are less likely to act on their impulses. So if you feel someone is showing signs of being suicidal, ask whether they are thinking about suicide or feeling depressed. If they say yes, then help them find a good therapist and be there to support them.

Suicidal Thoughts in Teens

Reach out for help

If you are extremely stressed and feel like you cannot take it anymore, then reach out for help. And if you do not want to talk to your friends or family, talk to a professional. Cadabam’s Hospitals is one of the best behavioural health and psychiatric care centers in India. And the team of psychologists, counselors, psychiatrists, physicians, and family therapists is always there for you on standby. You can seek help anytime by calling at +91 97414 76476 or emailing at

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