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Alcohol addiction treatment

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Biofeedback therapy is a non-invasive treatment procedure for a range of mental health disorders. It is preferred because it is a painless treatment option and has no side effects. Biofeedback therapy is seen to be effective in treating disorders like depression, anxiety, alcohol addiction, and more.
Biofeedback treatment can aid in the understanding of involuntary functions in persons in recovery. The information is then used by medical specialists to design a treatment plan that is customized to their circumstances. Many of our body functions happen without us even realizing it. These automatic functions might make us more upset when we're apprehensive, tense, or under extreme emotional stress. Biofeedback treatment monitors how the body reacts to physical and mental stress in an unconscious manner.
During a session, a trained mental health professional places various sensors on the client’s skin. These sensors measure various bodily functions and signs and give data to the professional through a special medical device. By gauging the response of a person to various stimuli, the professional guides a person to regain control over their involuntary bodily functions, helping them overcome various distressing symptoms associated with alcohol addiction.

Addiction Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Addictions and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

What are the benefits of biofeedback therapy for alcohol addiction?

Biofeedback therapy is painless and non-invasive in nature. The treatment option helps various people who are fighting alcohol addiction overcome the withdrawal symptoms of the disorder. It helps them understand how involuntary body functions are triggering their cravings for alcohol and helps them overcome these cravings as well.

What are the different involuntary functions monitored during biofeedback therapy?

Biofeedback therapy tracks involuntary functions which include: Breathing rate, Heart rate, Skin temperature, Blood pressure, Sweating, Muscle contractions.

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