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Depression Treatment in Bangalore


Depression is a serious mental health disorder in which the person experiences persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest in everyday life. This can significantly interfere with their functionality in all areas of life.

Meet Our Team Of Psychiatric Professionals

Neha Parashar - Clinical Psychologist

Dr Madhukar BR

Medical Director & Consultant Psychiatrist
Neha S. Cadabam - Psychologist

Neha S Cadabam

Consultant Psychologist & Executive Director, Cadabams Group
Dr. R. Priya Raghavan - Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr Priya Raghavan

Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr. Vishal Kasal - Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr Vishal Kasal

Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr. Arun Kumar - Online Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr Arun Kumar



Expert's advice on Depression: symptoms


Expert Advice: How to Cope with Depression

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In the Rehabilitation, Reintegration & Recovery space


Patients reintegrated back to society every year

Through our 8 speciality centers offering top-notch treatments across the nation, we have been helping thousands of people improve the quality of their lives.

With over 28 years of expertise and knowledge, we promise to provide our clients with the treatment that suits them the best. Whether the case involves substance addiction, alcoholism, sleeping issues, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia, our experts know how to handle it in a way that it's in the best interest of the client and their family.

800+ Treatment Capacity

India's Largest Psychiatric Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre

Treatment Modalities

Used to create personalized treatment plans that meet the needs of you of your loved one

400+ Professionals

to support you through your recovery journey

Our state-of-the-art infrastructure, experienced professionals, and strong support system enable us to offer world-class evidence-based treatment for Depression that fits all stages and types of mental health concerns that you may have.

At Cadabam's, we've always got your back.


Our Infrastructure, Care Facilities and Strong Community Support Ensure Better Patient Outcomes

Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

What Our Clients Have To Say

I have been consulting the doctors at Cadabam’s for over 6 months now for my father who has dementia. The doctors and staff at the hospital are very polite and kind and have provided excellent support and care right from day one. They not only explain the treatment plan thoroughly but also take out the time to make sure we understand complications and side effects that could come along the way. If you or your loved one is dealing with any mental health issues, I highly recommend Cadabam’s.

I’m very happy with the doctors, medical staff, and facilities at Cadabam’s hospital. Apart from being highly skilled in the field, the doctors and other medical staff are also very patient and supportive. Right from diagnosing the issue to prescribing medicines and creating the perfect treatment plan, they are with you every step of the way. I am glad I reached out to the team at Cadabam’s for counseling sessions.

I have observed great improvements in my son who has autism. The treatment plan created by the doctors has helped reduce the symptoms and he now is slowly learning new skills that assist him in his day-to-day activities. I cannot thank the team at Cadabam’s enough for giving my son the opportunity to have a happy and healthy childhood.

Excellent doctors, excellent team of medical staff, excellent facilities. From the people to the facilities and infrastructure, Cadabam’s has everything you need to address and improve your mental health illnesses.

I’m extremely grateful to the doctors and the entire team at Cadabams for creating an action plan to help me with my anxiety. I was finding it very difficult to maintain a social life and even focus on my career because of my severe anxiety. But now that I have been meeting with the team for over a year, I can proudly say that I have gotten much better at understanding and dealing with my anxiety. Thank you Cadabam’s!

My wife and I were not able to maintain a healthy relationship due to a lot of personal issues. Just when we thought our marriage would be over, we decided to seek couple’s counseling at Cadabam’s. The team of therapists and psychologists helped us build back our relationship and taught us how to communicate better and reduce conflicts in our day to day life.

I used to run around to consult different professionals for cmy son’s treatment. At Cadabam’s, it was so much more convenient. From psychiatrists to rehabilitation, they had it all. I am really happy with how they have helped my son and I can see immense changes in him.

What really struck me was how polite and understanding the professionals were. We availed home care services from Cadabams and the professional was so understanding. They took their time, spoke to all the members, and gave us an in-depth understanding of the illness. We have now started coming in for regular sessions. It’s worth it!

It was the first time we had faced something like this. Our daughter was going through immense strain and wasn’t responding to anything we said. That was when we contacted Cadabams, and we were surprised by how prompt they were with treatment. They treated our situation as an emergency and took immense care of our daughter.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Depression?

Depression is a common mental health disorder that can significantly impact a person’s mood, behavior, and overall well-being. Some of the most common signs and symptoms of depression include:

  • feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and emptiness, which may persist for two or more weeks
  • a lack of interest in activities that were once enjoyable 
  • difficulty concentrating or making decisions 
  • irritability
  • increased anxiety or restlessness.

Depression can also manifest in physical symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue
  • changes in appetite or weight
  • insomnia or hypersomnia
  • physical aches and pains without a clear physical cause. 

In some cases, people with depression may also experience suicidal thoughts or behaviors, which require immediate medical attention. It is also important to seek professional help if you experience symptoms of depression that interfere with your daily life, work, or relationships. With proper treatment and support, people with depression can experience significant improvement in their symptoms and overall quality of life.

What are the Types of Depression?

Depression is not a complete diagnosis in and of itself. There are several different types of depression that people may experience. Types of depression that are usually seen in individuals include major depression, persistent depressive disorder, seasonal affective disorder, postpartum depression, bipolar disorder, and more. 

Types of depression:

  • Major depression: Characterized by a persistent feeling of sadness or a loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable.
  • Persistent depressive disorder: Also known as dysthymia, involves a less severe but longer-lasting form of depression that can persist for two years or more.
  • Bipolar disorder: A mood disorder that involves periods of depression alternating with periods of mania or hypomania.
  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD): A type of depression that typically occurs in the fall and winter months when there is less sunlight.
  • Postpartum depression: A type of depression that occurs in women after giving birth and is thought to be related to hormonal changes.

In addition to these types of depression, there are also other subtypes that can occur alongside other medical or psychiatric conditions, such as substance-induced depression or depression related to medical conditions. It is important to seek professional help if you are experiencing symptoms of depression, as proper diagnosis and treatment can significantly improve your quality of life.

Who does Depression Affect?

While a large number of people suffer from the disorder, the risk of developing depression varies based on a person’s gender, age, race, socioeconomic background, and more. Statistics show that females are more likely to develop the disorder when compared to men. Further, there are certain risk factors associated with the development of depression which include serious physiological or neurological conditions like cancer or Alzheimer’s. 

How Common is Depression in India?

Depression is fairly prevalent in India with some of the latest statistics showing that it has a prevalence of around 2.7% in the country. However, the rate of incidence varies greatly based on various factors including gender and socioeconomic factors. Studies show that the disorder affects women at a higher rate and also affects people in urban areas and from lower socioeconomic strata disproportionately. 

What Causes Depression?

Depression has multiple complex causes behind it and no single cause can be ascertained as the reason why it develops. Depression can largely be understood as a combination of the following causative factors:

Genetics: Research shows that depression has the tendency to run through families. There are multiple genes involved in the development of the disorder according to multiple studies. Though genetics plays an important role in the development of the disorder, it is not a guaranteeing factor in and of itself.

Environmental Factors: Stressful life events, including the death of a loved one, a failed relationship or marriage, and more, can lead to a person developing the disorder. Physical or emotional trauma can also increase the incidence of the disorder.

A Note From Us: When it comes to major life events or traumatic incidents, it sometimes becomes difficult to distinguish between grief and the incidence of depression. Know that it is perfectly fine and necessary, even to grieve. However, in these situations, it is even more important to keep an eye out for any symptoms out of the ordinary within a person. 

Social isolation is also seen as impacting the incidence of the disorder. Factors like substance abuse can lead to a person developing depression.

How is Depression diagnosed?

Diagnosing depression is a complex process that usually involves at least a couple of sessions with a mental health professional. During this period, the professional will conduct a thorough assessment of a person’s medical history and their symptoms. A diagnosis of major depressive disorder (the most common form of the disorder) involves the presence of at least five of the symptoms listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association.

The symptoms include:

  • depressed mood
  • loss of interest or pleasure in activities
  • significant weight loss or gain
  • insomnia or hypersomnia
  • fatigue or loss of energy
  • feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • difficulty concentrating
  • recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.

Further, a professional may also conduct a detailed physical examination along with a few diagnostic tests. This is to rule out any physiological causes behind the symptoms of the disorder. It is important to note that a diagnosis of depression can only be made by a trained mental health professional like a psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist. 

Treatment for Depression

Depression is a highly treatable mental health disorder. With early diagnosis and effective treatment, an individual can show considerable improvement. In fact, studies show that in individuals who obtained an early diagnosis, a majority of them showed considerable improvement with treatment within six weeks.

Further, early treatment with psychotherapy and related approaches significantly reduced the risk of recurrence of depressive episodes in individuals. Very importantly, studies also show that early treatment helps significantly reduce the risk of suicide and self-harm among individuals who are battling depression. 

Treatment approaches for depression include:

Medication for Depression

There are various medications that help in treating depression. These medications are prescribed by a psychiatrist and help a person deal with the different symptoms of the disorder. It is important to note that these medications must be taken only under the advice and guidance of a psychiatrist.

On side effects: Another important factor to consider while taking medication for depression is the side effects that come with it. Do note that a psychiatrist weighs the pros and cons of each medication before prescribing it to a person. However, if a person notices disturbing or severe side effects, it is important to consult the professional immediately. 

What are the Therapies Available for Depression?

Here are some of the most common therapies available for depression:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): This is a form of talk therapy that helps individuals identify and change negative or irrational thought patterns and behavior. The goal is to learn how to replace negative thoughts with more positive and realistic ones, and to develop new coping skills.

Interpersonal therapy (IPT): IPT focuses on improving relationships and communication skills to alleviate depression symptoms. It involves identifying and addressing problematic interpersonal patterns that may be contributing to depression.

Psychodynamic therapy: This type of therapy explores the underlying psychological conflicts that may be contributing to depression. It focuses on increasing self-awareness and understanding of unconscious thoughts and emotions.

Mindfulness-based therapy: Mindfulness-based therapies, such as mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), involve practicing mindfulness and meditation techniques to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression.

Behavioral activation therapy: This type of therapy helps individuals identify and engage in positive activities and behaviors that can improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression.

Supportive therapy: Supportive therapy provides emotional support and encouragement to individuals with depression, and may involve discussing coping strategies and problem-solving skills.

It’s important to note that the most effective treatment plan for depression will vary from person to person, and may involve a combination of different therapies. A mental health professional can help determine the best approach for each individual.

Why Cadabams?

Cadabams is a mental healthcare organization with over three decades of experience in treating different mental health issues. We offer end-to-end services for everything related to mental health including outpatient consultations, in-patient facilities, and rehabilitation for more severe conditions. Our hospital facility offers the best mental health professionals who combine expertise, experience, and empathy to offer some of the best recovery experiences in Bangalore and Hyderabad. 


How long does it take to recover from depression?

It depends from individual to individual as well as the severity of depression.

Are medications required for treating depression?

In moderate to severe cases of depression, especially for those who are at risk of self-harm or suicide, medications are prescribed in addition to taking psychotherapy.

Which professionals treat depression?

Psychiatrists and psychotherapists, in conjunction help in the treatment of depression.

How do I know if I have depression?

You can consult our psychologists or psychiatrists who will assess whether you have depression, and the severity of it, and create a treatment plan for you.

When should I seek help for depression?

Seeking professional help for depression symptoms is crucial as it can greatly enhance the quality of life through accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

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