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Addiction treatment in Bangalore Hyderabad

Meet Our Team Of Addiction Psychiatrists

Understanding Addiction: Symptoms, Causes, and Impact

Addiction is when an individual is in a state of uncontrollable substance consumption, negatively impacting their behaviours and brain. It is a mental health condition affecting not only the user’s physical health but also their overall quality of life reduced significantly.

They often have difficulty stopping substances despite their harmful consequences and are stuck in a never-ending cycle of dependence. Some of the common symptoms can be excessive cravings, changes in mood or behaviour, hallucinations, paranoia, denial of their situations, disorganised speech or thinking, and destructive behaviours.

Addiction is a complex condition; therefore, there is not a single cause of addiction, and it varies from person to person. It can be changed by brain chemistry, genetics, pre-existing mental health conditions, environmental factors, or the inability to cope with negative emotions.

Every type of addiction can have a profound impact on a person’s daily functioning and impair their social and mental well-being. Many a time, stigma, discrimination, and social withdrawal are the results of these.

Addiction Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Addictions and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an effective method used by many therapists to treat addiction. Many individuals’ thought patterns can fuel anxiety, sadness, and addictive behaviours. Therefore, CBT navigates those thoughts. It can be used alongside medications for better results.

The Principles of CBT

CBT not only traces negative thoughts but also helps individuals transform into healthier thoughts and behaviours that are supportive of long-term recovery. Through this, the individual is aware of the relationships between their behaviours and cognition.

The CBT method holds that your emotional responses are mostly shaped by the way you understand particular circumstances, independent of how they impact you or how much they irritate you.

How CBT Differs from Other Therapies

CBT is goal-oriented and at Cadabams, our therapists use CBT to concentrate on present thought patterns and behaviours. It teaches you to identify negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.

CBT is also problem-solving and more action-oriented than other therapies because of its future-focused approach, which teaches you coping methods to face challenging circumstances and emotions so you can manage them on your own in the future.

Get Addiction Diagnosed in Bangalore

If you are thinking about getting diagnosed with addiction and treatments in Bangalore for yourself or your loved ones, Cadabams Hospital might be the best option for you. Our CBT can be tailored to your specific symptoms, along with a thorough diagnosis.

This all-encompassing approach benefits the patient as well as their family and provides crucial support throughout their recovery process.

The Role of CBT in Treating Addiction

In addition to addressing negative beliefs and teaching coping mechanisms, cognitive behavioural therapy can help address co-occurring disorders, enhance problem-solving abilities, and prevent relapses.

Is CBT Effective for Addiction Management

CBT has proven to be an effective tool for addiction management. Individuals with addiction problems can challenge negative thoughts and acquire new, effective coping skills to control cravings and avoid triggers.

CBT also helps them adopt a healthier lifestyle that will assist them in lowering stress, maintaining their wellness, and preventing relapsing.

Combining CBT with Other Treatments for Addiction

Mental health professionals at Cadabams Hospital usually combine treatments for addiction, such as medications, individual and group therapy, family counselling, and self-management along with CBT.

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT): DBT teaches people to identify and accept their existing condition while simultaneously working to modify harmful habits that cause cravings.

A psychologist who specialises in addiction treatment can teach individuals new methods for effective emotion control. This covers approaches for discomfort tolerance, healthy emotional regulation, and mindfulness.

Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET): The intention behind MET is to create a desire to replace negative behaviours with positive ones. It is particularly helpful for those who experience mixed feelings about getting healthier.

Mental health practitioners utilise MET as a method to encourage people to be open, self-assured, and optimistic about change.

Family Counselling: Family counselling is about including family members in the sessions. It is critical to understand the nature of your addiction, as well as the stigma, challenges, and repercussions associated with it.

Incorporating your family within the counselling process can increase your motivation and improve the overall effectiveness of your treatment.

Engaging Family and Support Systems in the CBT Treatment Process

It is vital to involve family members and loved ones in the addiction treatment process. Cadabams Hospital offers specialised services to assist families in understanding and treating addiction.

They use family therapy and psychoeducation to provide essential information, coping mechanisms, and emotional support. This fosters a more accommodating and supportive family dynamic, hence enhancing the recovery environment.

Tailoring CBT to Individual Needs

Cadabams provides customised addiction therapy for every patient. Careful planning is necessary for a customised treatment plan, and we create a care plan that takes your unique needs and objectives into account.

Treatment may involve therapy, mediation, lifestyle changes, and regular follow-up visits depending on your addiction severity. An individualised approach increases the chance of long-term recovery and improves overall well-being.

Support Systems and Environment at Cadabams

Cadabams Hospital is committed to offering the finest treatment to individuals battling addiction. Our skilled group of mental health professionals fosters an atmosphere of acceptance and encouragement, enabling patients to express themselves and proceed through the healing process at their own speed.

We aim to provide nonjudgmental care that respects the unique experiences and difficulties that each individual has.

What to Expect in a CBT Session for Addiction

Cadabams provides a systematic yet empathic approach to resolving harmful habits and negative thoughts that contribute to unhealthy behavioural patterns. Most sessions involve the therapist and the individual working together to recognise and combat addiction symptoms while also fostering coping mechanisms.

To break unhealthy habits and thoughts that fuel harmful behaviours, Cadabams use a holistic approach since they affect various aspects of one’s life. A patient and the therapist collaborate to identify and address the symptoms of addiction while also equipping coping skills.

Therapists assist patients in understanding the relationships between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours by utilising evidence-based therapies like CBT, DBT, MET, and family counselling. Incorporating training in practical skills may also improve social and problem-solving skills.

Why Choose CBT for Addiction Treatment?

By addressing cognitive distortions and enhancing coping strategies, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for addiction has promised symptom reduction and increased functioning in addition to medications and other therapies.

Benefits of CBT Therapy on Addiction Patients

By teaching addicts how to control their triggers and deal with cravings, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) may help reduce symptoms and improve their lives.

Real-Life Impact of CBT on Addiction Patients

Cognitive behavioural therapy is quite beneficial for those who are addicted. It helps people learn coping mechanisms for cravings and triggers, which reduces usage and improves general health.

In addition to encouraging constructive thought patterns, CBT can assist in recognising and addressing the harmful ideas that underlie addiction. CBT helps people succeed in the long run by empowering them to take an active role in their own recovery.

Long-Term Success with CBT

Increased independence improved social relationships, and effective and lasting relapse prevention are the signs of long-term success with CBT for addiction.

Our CBT method addresses the negative thought patterns that lead to substance use and teaches people relapse prevention strategies. Individuals may manage cravings and triggers with greater resilience and self-sufficiency when long-term benefits are prioritised, which leads to a smooth and confident path to sobriety.

When Should You Ask for Help?

If you or your loved ones are experiencing changes in behaviour, mood, or thought processes that impair your daily functioning and relationships, it is crucial to seek professional help.

A professional in mental health can assess these occurrences and provide a diagnosis and drug addiction treatment plan. The management of symptoms and improvement of long-term results depend heavily on early intervention.

Find the Best Rehab Centre for Addiction in Bangalore

The key to finding the best rehab centre for addiction in Bangalore is to choose a facility that can not only provide prompt services but also personalise their treatment under holistic care.

They should have skilled and experienced professionals who can offer social support, therapy, and medication management with care.

With over three decades of experience in the mental health field, Cadabams Hospital provides different treatment options that are created by professional experts in symptom management and long-term recovery.

Why Choose Cadabams?

Our mission is to empower individuals and their families with the skills and confidence needed to manage long-term conditions. By focusing on both physical and emotional health, our multidisciplinary team aims to alleviate symptoms and enhance overall well-being.

Expert Team of Psychiatrists and Therapists for Addiction

Addiction is a mental disorder that must be closely monitored and treated by medical professionals. Cadabams is staffed by a team of expert psychiatrists and therapists with addiction treatment experience, who provide patients with ongoing support as they navigate life.

State-of-the-Art Facilities in Cadabams for Addiction

Our treatment choices are delivered by skilled mental health specialists in a cutting-edge setting that guarantees prompt and effective care and provides a secure and encouraging environment.

Integrating Holistic Therapies for Addiction

Cadabams’ addiction therapies incorporate a comprehensive approach that promotes long-term recovery. We create a secure, supportive environment in which people can heal at their own pace without feeling overwhelmed and feel empowered to continue their recovery journey.

Continued Care and Follow-Up Programs for Addiction

Cadabams Hospital is committed to providing support and aftercare for patients undergoing addiction treatment. We not only supply the necessities for long-term stability and recuperation, but we also provide personalised assistance.


How does CBT help in treating Addiction?

Addicts who receive cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) at Cadabams are able to identify and change harmful ideas that impact their feelings and actions. The goal of cognitive behavioural therapy is to alter automatic negative thought processes that exacerbate anxiety and emotional issues.

Which CBT techniques are used for Addiction?

To control symptoms and enhance quality of life, treatment usually consists of medication, counselling, and support services. Cognitive behavioural therapy uses techniques based on each patient’s particular symptoms to provide long-term support.

These techniques include coping skills training, behavioural experiments, tracking and altering negative thoughts, and adopting a healthier lifestyle.

What does a typical CBT session look like?

You should expect a thorough assessment, a review of your medical history, and a discussion of possible treatment choices during your first session with your therapist. They can suggest a blood test to rule out the possibility that your symptoms are the result of another illness.

What is the purpose of cognitive therapy?

CBT is a type of psychological treatment that has been shown to be useful for a variety of issues, including depression, emotional problems, alcohol, and drug abuse issues, marital issues, eating disorders, and serious mental disorders.

What are the three guiding principles of cognitive therapy?

Collaboration and active engagement are key components of CBT. CBT is problem-solving and goal-oriented. CBT focuses on the current moment at first. CBT is educational in nature, with the goal of teaching the client to be his or her own therapist while also emphasising relapse prevention.


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