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Alcohol addiction treatment

Meet Our Team Of Alcohol Addiction Psychiatrists


CBT helps a person with addiction by helping –
• Enhance self-control,
• Avoid triggering circumstances where possible,
• Develop awareness of situations where they are most likely to engage in alcohol,
• Develop coping strategies on faced with triggers,
• Deal with other problematic behaviours that contribute to drinking.

CBT can be beneficial for people with addiction as it –
• Helps identify self-destructive thoughts and behaviours,
• Helps monitor thought patterns,
• Helps learn more adaptive, new ways of thinking,
• Helps learn new ways to handle stressful situations.

CBT has two components in treating alcohol addiction: functional analysis and skills training.

Functional analysis involves the person looking at the causes and consequences of their drinking behaviour by asking probing questions such as what the person was doing before the substance use, how they were feeling, if anything positive happened right after the substance use, etc. In this way, functional analysis can give insight into why a person drinks, and the thoughts, emotions, and situations that play a role in it as well.

When people are unable to deal with problems and the distress caused by it, they may turn to substance use for coping. Thus, skills training involves unlearning this maladaptive way of coping with anxiety, depression, life stress, and other problems, and learning new, more adaptive ways of coping with problems. A crucial component of this is learning to tolerate feelings of distress.

Alcohol Addiction Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Addictions and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

How effective is CBT for Alcohol Addiction?

CBT has been shown to be an effective therapy for treating alcohol addiction. It works best when combined with other forms of treatment such as medications and support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

What are the benefits of CBT for Alcohol Addiction?

CBT helps a person with alcohol addiction by helping them identify maladaptive ways of thinking and behaving, teaching them distress tolerance, becoming aware of their thoughts, identifying triggers to substance use, and learning new, more adaptive ways of coping with life’s stresses.

How many numbers of sessions are required?

CBT is a structured, short term therapy so is expected to be shorter than other long term therapies. However, the number of sessions required vary from individual to individual.

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