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Alcohol addiction treatment

Meet Our Team Of Addiction Psychiatrists


Alcohol addiction is a serious mental health disorder that affects a person’s overall health. The disorder is associated with illnesses like cardiac issues, liver damage, gastro-intestinal issues, and mental health disorders like depression, Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and more. Further, the disorder causes problems in family finances and family relationships. However, the disorder is treatable with early diagnosis and effective treatment.

Counselling is a form of psychotherapy that is seen to be effective in treating alcohol addiction. The individual explores their emotions, the issues they are facing and the causes behind their issues while the counselor or therapist guides them through this process while also helping them learn techniques to overcome alcohol addiction.

In some situations, where seeking help physically is not possible, individuals can avail virtual help for alcohol addiction. This is where online counselling becomes effective. Individuals can contact their counsellor virtually and have online counselling sessions. These sessions are as effective as in-person counselling and has the added benefit of being conducted wherever the individual feels comfortable.

Addiction Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Addictions and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

Is online counselling for alcohol addiction effective?

Online counselling is seen to be effective in treating alcohol addiction. Individuals can explore their issues and the causes behind the issues in the presence of a licensed mental health professional.

What are the benefits of online counselling?

Online counselling has multiple benefits for individuals. It helps them overcome the urge to consume the substance, helps them address the root cause of their addiction, and has the added benefit of being conducted wherever the individual feels comfortable.

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