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Alcohol addiction treatment

Meet Our Team Of Alcohol Addiction Psychiatrists


Psychotherapy provides a safe, nonjudgmental atmosphere in which patients may discuss their concerns and challenges. The heart of psychotherapy is talking through these issues. Even if a patient is able to overcome their physical need for alcohol, they may still be suffering from a deep mental hole that they were trying to fill with alcohol. Before the patient is ready to re-engage with the world, these fundamental concerns must be addressed.

This can be accomplished through one-on-one meetings with a therapist, group therapy, or a combination of the two. The purpose of the therapist is to assist the addict to comprehend how and why they got to the point where they continued to abuse alcohol despite the negative effects.

Psychotherapy teaches individuals how to deal with their emotions, feelings, and thoughts in better and more productive ways than drinking. It teaches clients how to build coping skills and tactics, responds positively to difficulties, and avoid relapse. They may become more self-aware, recognize their boundaries and limitations, and learn how to compensate for their flaws by using their talents.

Alcohol Addiction Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Addictions and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


Our Infrastructure, Care Facilities and Strong Community Support Ensure Better Patient Outcomes

Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

Who can conduct psychotherapy sessions?

A clinical psychologist, therapist, or counsellor can ensure effective psychotherapy sessions for individuals.

How many psychotherapy sessions would I need?

A mental health professional can advise on how many sessions you need to ensure effective recovery.

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