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Autistic Spectrum Disorder Treatment

Meet Our Team Of Autism Psychiatrists


Autism, often known as autism spectrum disorder is a complex illness characterized by communication and behavioral issues. It can manifest itself in a wide range of symptoms and abilities. Neurofeedback is a technology that allows people to adjust their activity in the brain by utilizing an instrument that gives them information about their brain activity. Neurofeedback aims to improve behavioral or cognitive processes that are influenced by brain activity. Although neurofeedback has been around for a while, it is fast gaining popularity as a treatment for a variety of ailments. Research suggests that neurofeedback approach could be helpful in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. Supporters of neurofeedback therapy argue that it can benefit autistic persons by increasing social skills, communication, speech, and focus, among other things. It can also help with seizures and self-stimulatory behavior, according to the researchers. Cadabams has the provision of having neurofeedback for Autism for anyone in need, consulted by top quality psychologists, delivering best quality services.


Our Infrastructure, Care Facilities and Strong Community Support Ensure Better Patient Outcomes

Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

What is the success rate of neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback for some diseases has a success rate of 75 percent to 80 percent, according to research.

What are some of the other conditions it can help with?

  • Sleeping Disorders
  • Addiction
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • PTSD

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