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Bipolar disorder treatment

Meet Our Team Of Bipolar Disorder Psychiatrists


Bipolar disorder is a chronic disorder that needs long-term treatment to ensure the person is able to live a functional and productive life. The recommended, necessary treatments would include psychiatric medications and counselling. When in a depressive episode, the person would be given medications to help them deal with their symptoms and suggested counselling which can help ease symptoms of depression. When in a manic or hypomanic episode, the person is unlikely to be suggested counselling as they are not in a state of mind to receive the benefits of counselling, but offered medications to help manage the symptoms.

Treatment for bipolar disorder aims at helping the person maintain a stable mood and manage other symptoms that come in the way of functional, everyday living. However, since there is always a chance of relapse given that it is a lifelong condition, even after having maintained a stable mood, the person needs to proactively continue taking medications and regular therapy sessions. The family members of the person with bipolar disorder may also partake in counselling as they also are likely to be impacted by their loved one’s disorder.

Bipolar Disorder Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Bipolar Disorder and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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How effective is Counselling for Bipolar Disorder?

Counselling is an effective mode of treatment that helps a person with bipolar disorder learn about their disorder, how it impacts their life, understand the warning signs of an episode coming, and learn ways to cope with their symptoms in their everyday life. 

What are the benefits of Counselling for Bipolar Disorder?

Counselling provides psycho-education regarding the disorder, allows the individual to set realistic goals and achieve them, helps enhance relapse prevention, allows them to get insight into how their disorder affects other people and learn ways to reduce the negative impact, learn the warning signs of an episode coming, and find ways to cope with their symptoms – all of which allows them to live the best quality of life possible. 

How many numbers of sessions are required? 

The number of sessions required differs for each individual, however, it is advisable to keep having follow-up sessions long-term in order to maintain recovery and prevent relapses.

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