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Bipolar disorder treatment

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Group therapy provides benefits that medication alone cannot and helps improve symptoms and enhance social functioning. Group therapy can help enhance insight in bipolar patients, increase life quality, and reduce suicidal ideation. Patients who attend group therapy compared to those who don’t also report better symptoms control and less use of emergency services or need for hospitalization.

There are various benefits that group therapy offers in general for mental health treatment. These include –

It provides support. Having bipolar disorder can be a very isolating experience. Knowing others also go through similar challenges can be a huge sense of relief.

It acts as a sounding board. Group members come with various perspectives on your situation that helps you see how you come across to others, which helps you deal with problems better.

It promotes social skills. Bipolar disorder affects a patient’s interpersonal functioning. Moreover, groups provide the playground for members to practice better social skills that enhance their relationships outside the group setting as well.

It can propel you forward. Hearing from other members about their successes can propel other group members strive harder towards managing their disorder and can also give an example of a better quality of life living with it.

It makes you aware of yourself. In a group, members hold a mirror to each other which helps members uncover their own blind spots that otherwise remain blocks in overcoming their issues.

Bipolar Disorder Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Bipolar Disorder and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

How effective is Group Therapy for Bipolar Disorder?

Group therapy is effective in increasing bipolar patients’ adherence to medications, helping them understand their symptoms and how to manage them better, helping reduce their sense of isolation, as well as in helping reduce symptoms of mania, anxiety, and depression. 

How does Group Therapy work?

A small group of members having bipolar disorder can participate in the group sessions that usually last for 1-2 hours and is facilitated by one or two psychologists. These sessions take place once or twice a week. 

How many numbers of sessions are required? 

The number of sessions could either be pre-determined based on the modules designed by the group therapists, or it may be ongoing in which case, it is recommended that bipolar patients continue group therapy for long-term in order to achieve and maintain recovery. 

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