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Bipolar disorder treatment

Meet Our Team Of Bipolar Disorder Psychiatrists


Various types of psychotherapies are used in the management of bipolar disorder. These include –

Behavioural therapy. This therapy helps modify behaviours thus reducing the accompanying stress.

Cognitive therapy. This therapy helps identify and change the thought patterns that accompany the bipolar disorder patient’s mood shifts.

Social rhythm therapy. This therapy focuses on helping the patient establish routines and maintain a regular sleep schedule which aids in predictability and mood stability.

Interpersonal therapy. This therapy aims at improving relationships by reducing the strains that are placed upon them due to the impact of the illness. Behavioural couples therapy. This therapy focuses on identifying and resolving emotional issues between partners as a result of a partner’s bipolar disorder.

Family therapy. This therapy focuses on helping the family members understand the nature of their loved one’s illness, learn about the symptoms and early warning signs of the disorder, resolve conflicts and emotional concerns, learn strategies to communicate and support their loved one during episodes, thus enhancing and strengthening the bonds within the family.

Bipolar Disorder Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Bipolar Disorder and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

How effective is Psychotherapy for Bipolar Disorder?

Psychotherapy is effective in learning about the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder and ways to manage the symptoms that help the patient live a functional and better quality of life. 

What are the benefits of Psychotherapy for Bipolar Disorder?

It helps the patient learn about the disorder, identify how it affects their personal and professional life, learn ways to manage the symptoms, adhere to their treatment, establish routines that enhance mood stability, improve their work-life and relationships, and overall have an enhanced quality of life living with the disorder. 

How many numbers of sessions are required? 

The number of sessions depends on the person’s severity of the condition and how long they take to learn to manage their symptoms and be able to manage different areas of their life while continuing medications.

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