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Chronic pain treatment

Meet Our Team Of Chronic Pain Psychiatrists


Chronic pain can occur in any part of your body. Chronic pain can interfere with daily activities such as working, socialising, and caring for yourself or others. It can cause depression, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping, all of which can exacerbate your pain. This reaction sets in motion a difficult-to-break cycle. Chronic pain can have a negative impact on the family system by interfering with all aspects of life, which can have serious consequences. The effects of chronic pain do not only affect the patient, but also their family and significant others. Family therapy is frequently brief, but it can last a year or more, depending on the situation and needs of the family. While it frequently involves all members of the family unit, it may also concentrate on those who are willing or able to participate in treatment.Cadabams brings to you the best services across the nation using trained family therapists delivering family therapy for chronic pain in bangalore.

Chronic Pain Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Chronic Pain and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


Our Infrastructure, Care Facilities and Strong Community Support Ensure Better Patient Outcomes

Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

How can family members assist in the treatment of chronic pain?

Family caregivers can also work to recognise and overcome any unique challenges that may arise when communicating with a person in chronic pain. Family members will want to learn everything they can about their loved one’s illness and treatment options.

What are the three objectives of family therapy?

Family therapy typically aims to improve communication, solve family problems, understand and handle special family situations, and create a better functioning home environment.

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