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Dementia treatment

Meet Our Team Of Dementia Psychiatrists


The chronic and progressive nature of Dementia causes severe distress to both the individuals and their caregivers. Individuals with Dementia face different types of cognitive impairment like memory problems, issues with judgment, problems in calculations, and reduction in language function. Beyond cognitive impairment, sometimes people with Dementia can also experience Behavioral and Psychological issues.

These issues are called BPSD ( Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia). CBT becomes an effective way of dealing with these symptoms of Dementia. Specifically, it helps with anxiety and depression that may sometimes arise with Dementia.

Developed by Aaron Beck, CBT has been very effective in helping people change their thought patterns and consequently change their responses. This proves especially effective with issues like anxiety and depression. While the efficacy varies from person to person, CBT remains a very popular treatment option due to its non-invasive nature and due to the fact that it has fewer side effects.

Dementia Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Dementia and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


Our Infrastructure, Care Facilities and Strong Community Support Ensure Better Patient Outcomes

Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

Who can conduct CBT sessions?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT is conducted by a trained mental health professional. These can include experienced and licensed clinical psychologists, counselors, or therapists. CBT can also be conducted individually or within small groups. Further, CBT is also effective when conducted virtually.

What is the cost of a CBT session?

Prices vary from professional to professional and the mental health institutions as well. Prices can vary depending upon the number of sessions as well. Your mental health professional would be the best person to advise you upon this.

Where can I find services for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy near me?

Cadabams Hospitals in Bangalore offers the most advanced CBT treatment in the city. Our combination of advanced infrastructure and experience professionals ensure that you get the care you deserve and accelerate your recovery journey.

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