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Personality Disorder treatment

Meet Our Team Of Personality Disorder Psychiatrists


There are various benefits to opting for online counselling such as –
Comfort. You would be able to engage in the session at the comfort of your own home in your own comfort clothes! This may make it easier for you to communicate and open up in sessions as compared to trying to do so in an unfamiliar clinic setting.
Different Modes. You may engage in video call sessions, audio call sessions, or text based sessions – where you have the flexibility to send texts or audio messages. For someone with social anxiety, text based sessions might be preferable.
At your Terms. Not having to commute to the therapist’s office would mean saving precious travelling time, especially when you generally have a busy schedule or have other responsibilities like childcare. Thus, you could schedule a therapy session in your routine according to your convenience.
Not Limited to Local Therapists. Online counselling allows you to take counselling sessions with an experienced therapist of your choice, without limiting you to local therapists who may not specialize in your problem area or charge under your budget.

Personality Disorder Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Personality Disorder and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


Our Infrastructure, Care Facilities and Strong Community Support Ensure Better Patient Outcomes

Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

How effective is Online Counselling for Personality Disorder?

Online counselling is as effective as in-person counselling for treating individuals with personality disorder and especially beneficial in encouraging the individual to seek for and adhere to counselling treatment.

What are the limitations of Online Counselling?

Although online counselling has various benefits, there are certain limitations as well such as – inability of the therapist to observe body language cues that could give more information regarding the individual’s state of being, technology and internet issues may disrupt the flow of the session, and difficulty of the therapist to respond immediately in case of a crisis situation of the individual.

How many numbers of sessions are required?

The number of sessions required differs for each individual.

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