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Relationship issues treatment

Meet Our Team Of Relationship Issue's Psychiatrists


When couples come for therapy, often they may find themselves reporting their relationship issues in a generalized and blaming manner. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) would help the individuals provide more specific times when the issues arise. This can help them become aware of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in certain specific situations that contribute to the problem. Awareness is the first step toward moving to a solution.
CBT can help couples improve various aspects in their relationship which includes forgiveness, trust, intimacy, expressed affection, empathy, and communication. CBT emphasizes identifying and challenging the misconceptions, prejudice, bias, etc. that individuals may have about each other, and changing automatic negative thoughts when triggered to enhance the relationship skills and the relationship dynamics of the couple. CBT also enhances individuals’ presence with each other. It also helps individuals become aware of their thoughts, check for the accuracy of their assumptions, and replace them with more accurate and helpful assumptions, moreover resulting in healthier thought patterns that promote healthier relationships.

Relationship Issue's Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Relationship Issue's and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

How effective is CBT for Relationship Issues?

CBT is effective in improving various aspects of a relationship necessary for it to flourish such as intimacy, trust, empathy, communication, and expressed affection. It also helps couples identify and replace the negative thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and behaviours that are detrimental to their relationship with healthier and more constructive alternatives.

What are the benefits of CBT for Relationship Issues?

There are various benefits of CBT for relationship issues such as –

  • It helps identify avoidance and escape behaviours in relationships to change them,
  • It helps identify and challenge the negative automatic thoughts that are detrimental,
  • It helps each individual become a better partner by improving mood, sleep, and decreasing negative habits/ behaviours such as alcohol use,
  • It helps the couple set and achieve goals for their relationship,
  • It helps the couple enhance their communication, trust, intimacy, empathy, and expressed affection that overall enhances their relationship strength,
  • It helps couples find common solutions to address unsolved relationship conflicts.

How many numbers of sessions are required?

The number of sessions required differs for each couple depending on the kind of problems they face, different goals, as well as their response to the therapy sessions.

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