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Personality Disorder treatment

Meet Our Team Of Personality Disorder Psychiatrists


Personality disorders make it difficult for people to deal with daily stress and problems. Each personality disorder has its own set of symptoms. They can range from mild to severe. People suffering from personality disorders may be unaware that they have a problem. Personality disorders have no known cause. Genes and childhood experiences, on the other hand, may play a role.Their thoughts are normal to them, and they frequently blame others for their concerns. Psychotherapy or counseling services delivered over the internet are referred to as online therapy. The internet has made mental health care more accessible. People may feel at ease discussing physical health issues with friends and family, but they may not feel exactly the same way about discussing equally important mental health issues. Online access to mental health services makes it easier to overcome the stigma associated with mental health issues in the past. Cadabams has professionals that are trained and qualified to deliver the best online counseling for personality disorders in Hyderabad and all across India.


Our Infrastructure, Care Facilities and Strong Community Support Ensure Better Patient Outcomes

Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

What kind of therapy is most effective for personality disorders?

DBT has been shown to be the most effective and most extensively researched treatment for BPD. It is a type of talk therapy that assists people in identifying and comprehending what others are thinking and feeling.

What are the benefits of online counseling?

  • Easy choice for remote areas.
  • Accessibility for people who have physical disabilities.
  • Affordability and convenience.
  • Better option during pandemic for physical safety.
  • Treatment Can Be More Approachable for the client.

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