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Addiction treatment in Bangalore Hyderabad

Meet Our Team Of Addiction Psychiatrists

Understanding Addiction: Symptoms, Causes, and Impact

There are certain symptoms that one can look out for in the case of addictions. Some of them are the inability to stop even if they want to, a larger tolerance being built over time, leading to more of the substance/behaviour being favoured, intense focus on the object of addition, a complete lack of control, interpersonal and health problems and most importantly, withdrawals.

The main cause of addiction is certain substances and habits/activities, which are targeted to affect the reward centre of the brain. The production of dopamine and serotonin gives the high, which keeps people wanting to repeat the same substance or behaviour to continue to feel the same way. Other factors include genetics in the immediate family, the presence of other mental health issues such as bipolar disorder or depression, and environmental factors such as the influence of people around.

Addiction Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Addictions and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

Addiction and the Power of Collective Support

Addiction is a chronic condition defined by the compulsive seeking and taking substances, or in the performance of an activity even after knowing that they are harmful for the self. Support from one’s spheres of life, usually the family being the most important one, can be seen to be one of the best things to have. It is seen that a holistic treatment plan is the best way to go about managing one’s condition, for which, group therapy is considered ideal. Interacting with others going through the same thing can be helpful.

The Essentials of Group Therapy in Addiction Treatment

Group therapy for addiction not only helps patients cope with various symptoms but also tries to create and enhance the patient’s interpersonal connections with people. Additionally, they can gain knowledge from the lived experiences of others. Some goals are to be highlighted and focused on, for the sessions.

Understanding the Structure of Group Therapy Sessions

The setting is that of a group of patients along with mental health professionals, usually not more than one. Everyone goes around the room to share experiences and struggles that they have gone through, and this creates a sense of community. The risk of being judged is lesser since the group consists of people who are struggling with the same thing – and a professional whose job is to help them heal over time.

The Role of Facilitators in Group Therapy for Addiction

A rapport-building session is often needed so that the participants can feel comfortable with the people around them, besides the facilitators. There are rules and guidelines to this process, which the facilitator shares, which highlight things such as being respectful while interacting and strict confidentiality. If someone were to show any kind of distress then the facilitator should be able to handle it. Coping skills, and a healthy routine, in addition to socialising, are included in the sessions.

The Benefits of Participating in Group Therapy

There are a lot of advantages to participating in group therapy since there are a lot of therapies that one can choose from. The advantages include:

Building a Community of Support

A support system is built with the people one engages with, who happen to be like-minded with the same issues that one has. The loneliness and stigma associated with addiction are battled and the condition is understood better. The safe space allows people to open up and feel vulnerable without being judged and take away other helpful tips.

Learning from Others’ Experiences

One of the points is to be able to learn from the experience of others, in addition to the professionals there. How the others have been able to deal with their symptoms and learn, along with methods of coping can be imbibed into the other participants.

Developing Better Social Skills

The required element of talking to others allows one to be able to socialise with people in a respectful manner, which lessens one of the symptoms immediately—social withdrawal. The encouragement from other group members, as well as the mental health professionals, can help sharpen their communication skills, which can go far in boosting their confidence as well.

Reducing Feelings of Isolation

This shared space offers a sense of connection, builds a network of peers who can offer support and encouragement beyond therapy, and reduces feelings of isolation; a major symptom of addiction. Since there is a common space where one can share their feelings and vent, there is a reduction in the feeling of isolation.

Gaining New Coping Strategies

The professional who is present there will be able to share certain coping mechanisms which will be healthy. Learning new coping strategies, along with the stories and guidance from the other members of the group can be immensely beneficial.

Enhancing Self-Esteem and Confidence

There is a sense of validation that is exchanged when there is a group of people who support each other, which is the case in group therapy. The sessions, over time, should allow one to see oneself in a better light. Peer support can do wonders for one’s self-esteem.

Key Techniques and Modalities Used in Group Therapy for Addiction

There are often various kinds of therapies that one engages in, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), psychoeducation, communication exercises on top of social skill training.

Cognitive Behavioral Techniques in a Group Setting

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) involves tracing the negative thoughts individuals have that can fuel certain emotional distress and negative behaviours. The members become more aware of this in a group setting when they see how their patterns influence and affect others. In these guided sessions, the coping skills needed will be developed.

Social Skills Training Through Group Interaction

Individuals with addiction often don’t have or have lost the social skills required to socialise with others. Group therapy is in a secure environment, which acts as a platform for communication and interpersonal skills. Participants feel confident and improve their general well-being, by being able to engage in discussions and provide feedback to each other.

Psychoeducation for Addiction in Group Therapy

Psychoeducation in the areas of awareness about this illness, symptoms, mood changes as well as treatment options can help individuals make a more informed decision about their treatment. Effective coping skills are taught, and relapse prevention is discussed as well.

Stress Management and Coping Strategies

The underlying issue is often stress. In group therapy sessions, stress-relieving techniques are discussed, which are all healthy ways to reduce stress. There are various exercises and experiences that one can get into to help release stress.

Enhancing Communication Skills within the Group

The recovery process is impossible without being able to communicate effectively, which is taught during group therapy sessions. The chance to express oneself clearly is given, along with the chance to actively listen to others—which allows for a sense of understanding and empathy to grow amongst the group.

Get Addiction Diagnosed in Bangalore

Getting an accurate diagnosis of your condition is key to recovery, and we at Cadabams offer holistic and efficient group therapy for addiction in Bangalore. After several diagnostic steps to eliminate other medical complications, the experts on our team will provide guidance on the matter. They will support you through the entire recovery process. Our group therapy plans are supportive of long-term recovery and were created by a team of mental health experts, with years of experience in the field.

What to Expect from Group Therapy Sessions

Once enrolled in group therapy, the expectation is to be in a group setting with other people who experience similar issues and conditions. The therapist in charge will be the guide throughout and will be able to give insights on the matter. There is also the experience of learning from others and communicating with them as well.

Find the Right Group Therapy Program in Bangalore

We at Cadabams provide personalized treatment plans that cater to your symptoms individually. Everything is carefully planned to not only support long-term recovery but also to improve overall well-being.

Why Choose Cadabams for Group Therapy in Addiction Care

One can start their recovery journey from Cadabams. Sharing one’s difficulties and seeking professional help is not easy, but it is achievable with the correct support system, which we can be.

Expertise in Facilitating Therapeutic Groups

Three decades of experience in the mental health field allows our team of experts to understand the nature of addiction extensively. We are able to create a personalized treatment plan, along with group therapy sessions, which is able to reduce the symptoms and improve overall well-being.

A Welcoming and Safe Environment for All Participants

Cadabams provides group therapy under the supervision of mental health professionals, and we ensure that it is a safe space for all of the participants. Every session is created keeping in mind that the participants should feel comfortable at all times to discuss whatever is on their minds. It needs to be a non-judgement zone with a layer of confidentiality.

Tailored Group Sessions to Meet Diverse Needs

Each person is unique, which is why each person’s requirements and plans are unique as well. Each treatment is tailored according to the needs of the individual and the particular symptoms they show, which is essential in fighting addiction.

Commitment to Ongoing Support and Community Building

Cadabams provide aid beyond the scope of regular therapy sessions. Our treatment programs are designed to provide ongoing support, effective tools, and community building to help individuals manage the symptoms of addiction.


What is group therapy for addiction and how does it work?

Group therapy is conducted within a group setting, with a licensed therapist or psychologist being present with the group. There are different goals for different groups and therapists, and this becomes a platform for people to share their woes and troubles, without being judged.

What are the main benefits of participating in group therapy for someone with addiction?

Group therapy for addiction encourages one to be vulnerable, it allows for one to have a sense of community support, it reduces one’s isolation, it widens one’s horizons and perspectives and it can offer real experiences of improvement in their cases of addiction.

How often do group therapy sessions for addiction take place?

The frequency of group therapy for addiction can depend on the individual’s needs and symptoms. Sometimes, it takes place several times a week, lasting for a few hours each time.

Is group therapy suitable for all individuals with addiction?

While group therapy can be a great long-term help for addiction, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Talking to a healthcare provider or psychologist is the first step. They will assess your condition and ascertain if group therapy is a good fit for you.

What exactly is the goal of group therapy?

Individuals who participate in group therapy improve their communication and socialisation skills, as well as their ability to express themselves and accept criticism from others. Individuals might gain self-awareness by listening to others who are dealing with similar challenges in group therapy.

Is it possible for addiction to progress to other mental health issues?

It’s not uncommon for someone who is addicted to drugs to also suffer from another mental disorder. Other brain and behaviour diseases, such as schizophrenia and depression, are thought to share some of the same genes and brain areas that are involved in addiction. Several studies have found that marijuana can cause psychotic symptoms comparable to those seen in patients with schizophrenia in some situations.

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