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Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment

Meet Our Team Of Alzheimer's Psychiatrists


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) affects not only the patient but also family members, friends, or other caregivers associated with the patient. Taking care of a patient with AD can take a physical, mental, financial and emotional toll on the caregivers. Moreover, family therapy is a good option to consider that can help the patient with AD along with their family members and other caregivers to cope with these issues that are making life harder. Thus, family therapy aims at improving the quality of life of the patient with AD and their family members.
Members of the family might experience the impact of having a loved one with AD differently. Unexpressed emotions often lie dormant such as grief, anger, shame, guilt, worry, depression, or anxiety – emotions that members might feel they should not have. Issues such as financial strains and problems regarding getting the household chores done could also be significant. Family therapy provides a safe and supportive environment in which family members can share their concerns with each other. It allows room to understand each other’s perspectives and individual challenges, as well as help adopt ways that helps another member cope better. They may also gain insight into how certain ways of communicating and actions can improve or worsen problems, and learn better and healthier ways of communicating.

Alzheimer's Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Alzheimer's and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


Our Infrastructure, Care Facilities and Strong Community Support Ensure Better Patient Outcomes

Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

How effective is Family Therapy for Alzheimer’s?

Family therapy is very effective in enhancing the quality of life of the patient with AD and their family members and other caregivers by providing a safe environment to openly discuss their concerns with each other and find better ways of communicating, thinking, and behaving that helps one another cope better – psychologically, emotionally, and physically.

What are the benefits of Family Therapy for Alzheimer’s?

It helps caregivers of the AD patient increase their social support and prevent burnout, thereby increasing their quality of life as well as ability to provide care. It can also help the AD patient and the family members cope with the emotional, mental and social issues that they may be facing as a result of the disease.

How many numbers of sessions are required?

It depends on the problems needed to be discussed which are different for each family, and how much support is required in the family therapy sessions by family members.

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