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REBT is a therapy developed by Dr. Albert Ellis in the 1950s and has become very popular and widely used by therapists in their counselling practice. It is based on the principle that events don’t make us feel negative or positive by themselves, it is our thoughts in response to those events that affect our emotions. We often have irrational ways of thinking negatively that make us feel distress, moreover, REBT attempts at making the individuals become aware of their irrational beliefs and thoughts and challenge them in order to replace them with rational, healthy beliefs.
REBT follows the ABC model in uncovering negative assumptions about events. A stands for activating event, which refers to the incident or event that made the individual feel a certain way. For instance, if someone’s best friend does not pick up their phone and the person feels negative emotions as a result, the best friend not picking up the phone is the activating event. B stands for beliefs. REBT mainly focuses on identifying the individual’s irrational beliefs. The REBT therapist would help the individual explore the belief and challenge it. The irrational belief in this case would be the person thinking that just because their best friend didn’t pick up their phone, it means they are not liked or wanted or cared about. C stands for consequences. In this case, the emotional consequences were the feeling of being unwanted, rejected, and undesired. This may reinforce the person’s belief that they are not likeable and thus lower their self-esteem even further. As a result, the behavioural consequence could be the person unwilling to contact their best friend and other people first, thinking they are unlikeable.

Alzheimer's Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Alzheimer's and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

How effective is REBT therapy for Alzheimer’s?

REBT is an effective therapy in helping patients with Alzheimer’s and their family members deal with the emotional distress that they might be experiencing that stop them from experiencing their best life possible.

What are the benefits of REBT therapy for Alzheimer’s?

REBT helps the patient and their family members identify the negative thoughts that lead to different negative emotional states and empower them to challenge these patterns of thinking in order to experience more positive emotional states, thus enhancing their quality of life.

How many numbers of sessions are required?

The number of sessions depends on the types of issues that need addressing in the therapy sessions and the time required to become aware of, challenge and overcome the negative thinking patterns.

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