When does a person with bipolar need to be taken to emergency care?

If a person with bipolar disorder is having suicide thoughts, they go to the emergency department. Experiencing suicidal thoughts or posing a threat either themselves or others will also be considered for emergency.

What is the immediate role of a psychiatrist during a bipolar emergency?

The psychiatrist is responsible for ensuring the patient’s and others’ safety while recognising and treating urgent medical and psychological issues, as well as formulating and implementing a strategy for maintaining to manage less urgent issues.

What interventions are used during a bipolar emergency?

Pharmacological, environmental, and psychological treatments should all be included in treatment plans. Mood stabilizers and antipsychotics are intervened. Behavioral and environmental strategies aimed at attaining an acceptable and sustained level of stimulation as well as suitable interpersonal boundaries are examples of non pharmacological measures. Emergency treatment also lays the groundwork for more long-term, decisive, and preventive strategies.

Who attends a bipolar emergency?

A psychiatrist attends to the emergency of bipolar crisis and prescribes medication to relax the patients. Then there is therapeutic intervention using various therapies by psychologists that help in long term management.


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