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Depression treatment

Meet Our Team Of Depression Psychiatrists


It might seem like depression happens to an individual and moreover, individual treatment should be the only intervention for depression. However, studies have shown in their findings the relationship between the family environment of the depressed individual and its effect on the onset and continuation of symptoms of depression. A study has found that in adolescents, parent-child conflict could lead to a depression relapse. Moreover, it becomes obvious the important role family therapy plays in helping the individual overcome and maintain recovery from depression.

The influence family has on an individual is undeniable. A healthy child development is linked with emotionally nurturing family environments, secure attachments, and effective parenting practices. On the contrary, negative family dynamics such as marital and family conflict, coercive parenting, parental pathology, and persistent negative affect are linked to increased risk for childhood psychiatric conditions. However, it is not necessarily the family environment that puts a person more at risk of depression and other conditions, as each person perceives the family environment differently. Moreover, family therapy can be used as a tool to disentangle family members from negative perceptions about each other.

Depression Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Depression and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

How effective is Family Therapy for Depression?

Lack of social support and conflicts with the family has been shown to contribute to depressive symptoms. Moreover, working on these factors in family therapy is an effective adjunct treatment modality, in addition to individual therapy and pharmacotherapy, to treat depression.

How does it work?

Family therapy can include just two members or as many members of the family as may be willing to attend. It can have sessions with specific members of the family or joint sessions with everyone. A family therapist will focus on different areas, depending on their therapy approach, such as family structure, boundaries, communication patterns, behavioural reinforcements, etc. to improve the family functioning and strengthen healthy relationships.

How many numbers of sessions are required? 

The number of sessions required is subjective to each family and the issues that they face. No set number can be given.

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