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Depression treatment

Meet Our Team Of Depression Psychiatrists


Group therapy sessions are led by one or two psychologists and designed to help with the psychological and behavioural aspects of the condition such as depression. Some groups are gender-specific, age-specific, or made for members with a certain level of severity, such as those with mild or moderate depression. Although individual therapy and group therapy are both effective in their own way, group therapy can have benefits over individual therapy in certain aspects, such as –

Support from other group members facing similar issues,

A wide variety of perspectives from other group members about your issue,

Encouragement when you see other group members succeed,

Helps practice social skills and avoid isolation,

Makes therapy accessible as it costs lesser than individual therapy,

Helps overcome one’s blind spot and become more self-aware.

One may feel unsure about opening up and sharing with the group, however, a group therapy session is meant to be confidential. As the members bond with each other and start to feel safe, sharing and thus emotional healing can start to take place.

Depression Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Depression and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


Our Infrastructure, Care Facilities and Strong Community Support Ensure Better Patient Outcomes

Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

How effective is Group therapy for Depression?

Group therapy has found to be effective for depression in helping reduce depressive symptoms and improving overall health. These positive outcomes were found to be sustained even after a 3 months later follow up. 

What are the benefits of Group therapy for Depression?

Depression can be a very isolating condition, thus, group therapy provides a platform for re-engaging and relating to other people facing similar issues, helping the individuals reduce their sense of isolation and loneliness. In addition, it offers support, acceptance, different perspectives, comfort as well as the therapist’s expertise in helping members identify and change their negative patterns of thinking and behaving that contribute to depression. 

How much does it cost?

Although we cannot give you a precise cost, group therapy sessions are usually much cheaper than individual therapy sessions.

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