What can be an eating disorder emergency situation?

There can be various medical complications and risks as a result of one’s eating disorder that can call for emergency help. This can include hypoglyacaemia, electrolyte disturbances, and even cardiac abnormalities. When these health conditions are not diagnosed and left untreated, they can become dangerous. When someone with anorexia nervosa, who has been malnourished or starving for a long time starts eating again, they may experience a serious reaction. Vomiting frequently can cause ulceration, swelling of the salivary glands, or tearing of the oesophagus. Binge eating disorder or bulimia nervosa can put a person at risk of cardiovascular diseases. When a person is at risk of self-harm, it can also classify as an emergency situation.

What to do in case of an emergency situation for eating disorder?

Rush the patient to the emergency department of the hospital in case of a suspected health condition as a result of the patient’s eating disorder or when they are risking self-harm or having suicidal ideations or plans.

How can professionals help in an eating disorder emergency?

Medical professionals including doctors and psychiatrists can help diagnose any health complications as a result of the patient’s eating disorder and work on restoring their physical health. A hospital setting can monitor and restrain the patient from engaging in self-harm, in case of a tendency, and administer medications to soothe them from the distress.

How to prevent an emergency for eating disorder?

If you suspect someone having abnormalities in their eating patterns and negative interpretations of their body image, you may want to have them consult with a mental health professional. In case of a diagnosed eating disorder, ensuring regular appointments with doctors, psychiatrists, therapists, and a nutritionist – if required, along with monitoring the amount, regularity, and quality of food intake of the patient can help prevent emergency situations.


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