Can there be an emergency situation for learning disabilities?
It is unlikely that there will be an emergency situation for learning disabilities. There may be other comorbid conditions that develop as part of having learning disability like social or performance anxiety and that may lead to an emergency situation.
What could be the issues that may need emergency attention forSLD?
If you believe your child has been the victim of lack of care if the child being treated for learning disabilities is displaying aggression, acting out, or other behavioral problems as a result of embarrassment or frustration; if you believe your child has behaviors that could lead to injury to self or others.
How to know there is a need to take a child with a learning disability to emergency care?
Learning difficulties can be a dangerous condition in some situations and should be addressed immediately in an emergency environment. If your child, or someone you’re with, develops any of these critical symptoms, seek medical help right away:
Who can help me with a SLD emergency in Hyderabad?
A psychologist can help you manage the emergency situation and construct a further treatment plan in collaboration with psychiatrist, neurologist and rest of the psychiatric team.