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Addiction treatment in Bangalore Hyderabad

Meet Our Team Of Addiction Psychiatrists

Understanding Addiction

Addiction is a multifaceted condition that involves a compulsive urge to use substances or engage in activities despite adverse consequences. It's more than just a habit; it's a chronic disease affecting the brain's reward, motivation, and memory functions. Addiction can encompass various substances like drugs and alcohol, as well as behaviors such as gambling.

At Cadabams, Bangalore, we understand that addiction is a medical condition needing comprehensive treatment. Recognizing the underlying causes, which can range from genetic predisposition to environmental influences and mental health disorders, is crucial. Psychotherapy plays a vital role in addressing these root issues, helping individuals understand their behaviour, develop healthier coping strategies, and rebuild their lives.

Addiction Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Addictions and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


Our Infrastructure, Care Facilities and Strong Community Support Ensure Better Patient Outcomes

Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, is a method used to help individuals manage and overcome mental health issues, including addiction. It involves structured sessions with a trained therapist who helps the individual explore their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours.

At Cadabams, Bangalore, our psychotherapy sessions are customized to meet each person’s unique needs. Here’s what you can expect from psychotherapy:

Building Trust: Establishing a confidential and trusting relationship with the therapist.
Identifying Triggers: Recognizing and understanding triggers and patterns of addictive behaviour.
Developing Coping Strategies: Learning healthier coping mechanisms and stress management techniques.
Behavioural Change: Making positive changes in behaviour to support recovery.
Continuous Support and Progress Monitoring: Regular sessions ensure that individuals stay on track with their recovery goals and receive ongoing support as they navigate the challenges of overcoming addiction.

Psychotherapy can take various forms, including cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), and other evidence-based approaches. At Cadabams, we utilize a combination of these methods to provide a holistic and effective treatment plan tailored to each individual’s journey toward recovery.

The History and Evolution of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy has evolved from ancient healing practices to modern, evidence-based treatments. Significant milestones include Freud’s psychoanalysis in the 19th century, the development of behaviourism and humanistic therapy in the 20th century, and the integration of cognitive therapy. Today approaches like CBT and DBT combine these foundations, offering effective, holistic care for addiction at Cadabams, Bangalore.

How Psychotherapy is Performed

Psychotherapy involves structured sessions with a trained therapist who helps individuals explore and address their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. Techniques such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) are employed to identify triggers, develop coping strategies, and facilitate behavioural changes, providing a supportive path to overcoming addiction.

Get Addiction Diagnosed in Bangalore

Identifying and diagnosing addiction is the first crucial step toward recovery. At Cadabams, Bangalore, our experienced professionals conduct comprehensive assessments to diagnose addiction and understand its underlying causes. Through detailed evaluations, including medical history, behavioural analysis, and psychological testing, we create personalized treatment plans to guide you on your recovery journey. Seek expert help today for a healthier tomorrow.

Role of Psychotherapy in Addiction Management

Psychotherapy addresses underlying psychological issues, modifies behaviours, and develops coping strategies for effective addiction management.

The Mechanism of Psychotherapy in Treating Addiction

Psychotherapy uncovers root causes, modifies negative thought patterns, and equips individuals with healthier coping mechanisms to overcome addiction.

Is Psychotherapy Effective for Addiction Management

Yes, psychotherapy is highly effective in managing addiction. It addresses the psychological roots of addiction, helps develop healthier coping strategies, and promotes long-term behavioural change. Evidence-based therapies like CBT and DBT are particularly successful in supporting sustained recovery and preventing relapse.

Combining Psychotherapy with Other Treatments for Addiction

Combining psychotherapy with other treatments, such as medication, support groups, and holistic therapies, enhances addiction recovery. This integrated approach addresses physical, psychological, and social aspects, providing comprehensive care. At Cadabams, Bangalore, we offer tailored, multi-faceted treatment plans for effective, lasting recovery.

Engaging Family and Support Systems in the Psychotherapy Treatment Process

Engaging family and support systems in psychotherapy is crucial for addiction recovery. Family therapy sessions improve communication, address underlying family dynamics, and provide education about addiction. Support from loved ones enhances recovery by offering emotional stability, encouragement, and accountability, fostering a supportive environment for the individual undergoing treatment. At Cadabams, Bangalore, we emphasize family involvement to build a strong foundation for lasting recovery.

Tailoring Psychotherapy to Individual Needs

At Cadabams, Bangalore, we recognize that each person’s journey with addiction is unique. Our therapists tailor psychotherapy to meet each individual’s specific needs, considering their history, personality, and underlying issues. By customizing treatment plans, we address the root causes of addiction, develop personalized coping strategies, and foster a supportive environment for sustainable recovery. This individualized approach ensures effective therapy aligned with each person’s recovery goals, leading to successful outcomes and long-term well-being.

What to Expect in a Psychotherapy Session for Addiction

Entering psychotherapy for addiction can be a transformative experience. Here’s what you can typically expect during a session at Cadabams, Bangalore:

  • Initial Assessment: Understanding your addiction, personal history, and any co-occurring mental health conditions.
  • Goal Setting: Setting realistic and achievable goals for your recovery journey.
  • Open Dialogue: Engaging in open and honest discussions about your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
  • Identifying Triggers: Recognizing triggers and patterns that contribute to addictive behaviours.
  • Skill Building: Learning practical skills and techniques to manage cravings, handle stress, and cope with difficult emotions.
  • Behavioural Change: Focusing on changing harmful behaviours and developing healthier alternatives.
  • Support and Encouragement: Receiving continuous support, encouragement, and motivation from your therapist.
  • Review and Progress: Regularly review your progress and adjust the treatment plan as necessary.

At Cadabams, Bangalore, our dedicated therapists are committed to helping you overcome addiction and achieve lasting recovery. Each session is designed to empower you with the tools and support needed for a healthier, addiction-free life.

Why Choose Psychotherapy for Addiction Treatment?

Choose psychotherapy for addiction treatment for its personalized approach, evidence-based methods, emotional support, and effective long-term recovery strategies.

Benefits of Psychotherapy on Addiction Patients

Psychotherapy offers addiction patients personalized care, helping uncover and address root causes. It equips individuals with coping strategies, enhances self-awareness, and fosters behavioural change. By providing emotional support and developing healthier habits, psychotherapy significantly improves the chances of long-term recovery and relapse prevention, leading to a more fulfilling life.

When is Psychotherapy Recommended as a Treatment Option for Addiction

Psychotherapy is recommended for addiction when individuals struggle to manage their substance use, face co-occurring mental health issues or have relapsed after other treatments. It’s also beneficial when addiction stems from trauma or emotional distress. Personalized therapy helps address these underlying issues, fostering sustainable recovery and improved overall well-being.

Patient Eligibility for Psychotherapy

Patients eligible for psychotherapy for addiction include those with substance use disorders, co-occurring mental health conditions, or a history of relapse. It is ideal for individuals seeking to understand the root causes of their addiction, develop healthier coping strategies, and commit to long-term recovery through a personalized treatment approach.

Find the Best Rehab Center for Addiction in Bangalore

Finding the best rehab centre for addiction in Hyderabad involves researching facilities that offer comprehensive treatment programs tailored to individual needs. Look for centres with experienced mental health professionals, evidence-based therapies such as CBT and DBT, and a supportive environment conducive to rehabilitation.

Why Choose Cadabams?

Cadabams Hospital in Hyderabad is distinguished for its holistic approach to addiction treatment. The facility provides customized care and robust support for individuals battling addiction, as well as their families.

Expert Team of Psychiatrists and Therapists for Addiction

Cadabams Hospitals features a team of expert psychiatrists and therapists who specialize in addiction treatment. They conduct thorough assessments, design individualized treatment plans, and offer continuous support to both individuals and their families.

Post Psychotherapy Rehabilitation and Therapy Options for Addiction

Following the completion of psychotherapy, Cadabams provides a range of aftercare services including support groups, family therapy, holistic therapies, outpatient treatment, sober living homes, and vocational training. These options ensure continuous support, prevent relapse, and offer a structured environment to promote long-term recovery and overall well-being.

Family Support and Education for Addiction

Cadabams Hospital provides family support and education for addiction through counselling, support groups, and educational workshops, fostering understanding, communication, and coping skills to aid in the individual’s rehabilitation journey.

Ongoing Management and Relapse Prevention for Addiction

Cadabams Hospitals provides continued care and follow-up programs for individuals coping with addiction. Our team offers ongoing support, medication management, therapy sessions, and resources to prevent relapse and ensure long-term success and well-being.


Can Psychotherapy help addiction?

Yes, psychotherapy effectively helps addiction by addressing root causes, developing coping strategies, and promoting long-term behavioural changes for recovery.

Does Psychotherapy work for addiction?

Yes, psychotherapy is effective for addiction. It addresses underlying issues, develops coping mechanisms, and supports long-term recovery and relapse prevention.

How much does psychotherapy for addiction cost?

The cost of psychotherapy for addiction can vary based on several factors, including the type of therapy, the duration of treatment, and the therapist’s qualifications. It’s advisable to consult with specific healthcare providers or facilities to obtain accurate pricing information. At Cadabams, Bangalore, we offer a range of options to suit different needs and budgets.

How many sessions of Psychotherapy are required for treating addiction?

The number of psychotherapy sessions required for treating addiction varies, typically ranging from 12 to 24 sessions, depending on individual needs and progress.

Can Psychotherapy be Combined with Other Addiction Treatments?

Yes, psychotherapy can be combined with other addiction treatments such as medication, support groups, and holistic therapies for a comprehensive, effective approach to recovery.

Is psychotherapy effective in the treatment of addiction?

For many people, counselling is an important part of their recovery from substance abuse. You can stay clean through cognitive behavioural therapy, family counselling, and other sorts of therapy. Other mental health disorders that frequently play a role in substance misuse can be treated with psychotherapy.

What is the most effective substance abuse psychotherapy?

Behavioral therapy is one of the most prominent methods of addiction treatment that is employed regularly during substance rehabilitation. A variety of useful strategies have been adapted from a generic behavioural treatment approach.

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