
Editorial Note

  • By:
  • Last Update:24 April,2020
  • Reading Time: 2 minutes

Table of Content

Dear Readers

Hope to find you in good health, happiness, and great mental resilience amidst the challenges thrown by Covid- 19. I am happy to put forward the 7th edition of “Think Box”. Your positive feedback has kept up our writer’s motivation, and the current edition comprises of series of Articles on Mental Health, Illness, and Wellbeing.

All these articles are authored by our mental health professionals who work in close contact with people suffering from Mental illness, their families, and as well involved in Child and Community Mental Health.

 In the Article titled “Expressed Emotions! Should they be expressed”, the consultant clinical psychologist Ms. Shilpa Nagaraj has thrown light on the nature of family members and professionals' responses towards people suffering from Mental Illness and the impact of these responses on their recovery.

Dr.Swaroopa, the consultant Psychiatric Social Worker has written an informative article on “Social Welfare Measures for Persons with Mental Illness”, informing about state and central government Welfare Measures”.

Ms. Sucheta Mishra, consultant clinical psychologist tells us that emotions are necessary for survival and all emotions – ‘good’ or ‘bad’ have functions in her article titled “Positive impact of negative emotions: The beginning”. Ms. Anita Bharatan, consultant clinical Psychologist in her article “To Tell or not to Tell.....” clarifies on ways as to how to tell our loved ones that they have got Cancer.

The article was written by Ms. Ann Xaviour , “How to cope with stress and anxiety during exams” gives tips for students and parents to cope with exam stress and anxiety. My article “Under The Influence - Fantasies and Facts about Alcohol” throw light on misconceptions about Alcohol and how Alcohol Addiction is a disease and needs treatment.

Ms. Manish Jain and Ms. Smita Sarma, both  Clinical psychologists in their respective articles “Gratitude Journal for Self” and “Prelude to Gratitude” write about essence of Gratitude, and how practicing gratitude makes our life more meaningful.

Mr.Theeban Raja, consultant Clinical Psychologist in his article on “Secret to Happiness” explains ways of Enhancing Emotional Wellness to develop a more positive mindset.

Ms. Suhita Saha, a consultant clinical psychologist in her article “Detection of Early Depression in Young People” speaks about Detection Depression early and effectively treating the same.

Ms. Shabdita Ritu Sarmah, consultant clinical psychologist in her article “The power of positive Attitude” explains that true positive thinking is not just saying that everything will be okay, as a lip service, but at the same time think about failure and expect difficulties.

Hope you all enjoy reading the article. Your valuable feedback is
most welcome.

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