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Drug addiction treatment

Meet Our Team Of Drug Addiction Psychiatrists


Addiction impacts the whole family. For instance, if the addicted individual lives with a spouse, they both require professional help as issues of co-dependency on the non-addicted spouse can arise. If the addicted individual lives with their spouse and children their addiction is detrimental for both the children and the spouse, especially as the spouse will end up taking the parenting role of their addicted partner. The impact on children is worse if both their parents abuse substances. If an adolescent is using drugs, then the other siblings may find their concerns not being given priority at all as their addicted sibling gets all the attention from the parents who are responding to the continuous crises of substance use. If in addiction, the parent also is using substances, it can take a physical and emotional toll on the children. Moreover, the intervention necessitates family therapy in conjunction to treatments for the addicted individual for their recovery. The role of family therapists is to help reduce the harm – physical and psychological, on the addicted individual and their family members.

Drug Addiction Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Drug Addictions and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

How does Family Therapy for Drug Addiction work?

Family therapists often have sessions with 2 or more willing members of the family in order to understand any issues because of the person’s substance abuse or other personal issues that the family might be impacted by. Thus, family therapists look for ways the family can act as a support system for the addicted individual helping them in their recovery.

What are the benefits of Family Therapy for Drug Addiction?

It helps –

  • resolve family issues,
  • resolve any maladaptive transgenerational patterns in the family,
  • improves the mental and physical state of the whole family,
  • address behaviours such as co-dependency that inhibits recovery,
  • enhances relationship quality and communication styles,
  • helps the addicted individual gain awareness of how their substance use impacts the family,
  • teaches family members to engage in self-care for their well-being,
  • helps families become aware of and avoid behaviours that enable the individual’s addiction,
  • helps to prevent the negative impact of substance use on the family system.

How many numbers of sessions are required?

It depends on the time required to address the unique challenges that the family faces.

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