
Social Anxiety Disorder: All You Need to Know

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Social phobia treatment is designed to help folks handle their anxiety in social circumstances and live a joyful and productive life.

Are you looking for Social Phobia Treatment? Call us to book an appointment with our counsellor or mental health professional.

What is Social Phobia?

Social Phobia Treatment

Social phobia is a It’s normal to feel self-conscious in a social situation, but when this condition persists for long and gets severe such that it affects your everyday life, you might have social anxiety disorder.

Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder is a recurrent and chronic fear or dread of any social setting where one is subject to observation and possible judgment by others. This mental health condition makes you feel an intense, persistent fear of being watched and judged by others if this condition continues to exist, it might make your everyday tasks tougher

Signs and Symptoms of Social Phobia

A person with social phobia may feel that any behavior or actions undertaken on their part will lead to embarrassment or negative opinions by the other people around them. This makes it hard for that person to do normal everyday social activities.

Social Phobia Treatment

People with social anxiety disorder can experience it in different ways. Here are a few common social phobia symptoms that people tend to have trouble with:

  1. Intense fear of interacting or talking with strangers
  2. Speaking in public and worrying about embarrassing or humiliating yourself
  3. Blushing, sweating, trembling or having a shaky voice
  4. Making eye contact avoiding speaking to people
  5. Entering rooms or in an unfamiliar social zone
  6. Feel nauseous or sick to their stomach while meeting new people
  7. Eating in front of other people
  8. Be very self-conscious in front of other people
  9. Going to school or work
  10. Starting conversations

Social Phobia Treatment

What Causes Social Anxiety Disorder?

Like any other mental health condition, social phobia arises from a complex interaction of both biological and environmental factors. Heredity or Genetics can be one of the reasons. You are more likely to have it if your immediate family member has a history of Social Anxiety. People with overactive Amygdala (the brain part in charge of fear response) may likely have the disorder.

Often a history of bullying, abuse or teasing might trigger social anxiety. Also, conditions like distorted appearance, going bald, high-pitched voice etc., which attracts attention might cause anxiety while meeting new people. All these conditions are external triggers and thus this condition can completely be healed from within if treated on time.

Social Phobia Treatment

Needless to say, social phobia diminishes the quality of life greatly. Social Phobia is one of the most common mental disorders, but often we ignore it and don't seek help. When you avoid all types of social situations, it affects your personal relationships and can also lead to:

  1. Low self-esteem
  2. Trouble being assertive
  3. Negative thoughts
  4. Isolation and difficult social relationships
  5. Depression
  6. Sensitivity to criticism
  7. Poor social skills that don’t improve
  8. Low academic and employment achievement
  9. Substance abuse
  10. Suicide or suicide attempts

Talk to your doctor or health care professional about what exact social phobia symptoms you are facing. After examining all kinds of physical and family health history, your doctor will refer you to what social phobia treatments would suit you.

Social Phobia Treatment

  • Medications: Medication has been one cornerstone to attempt to treat this disease, with a range of results from noticeably reduced symptoms. Though treatment through medication tends to work well and yields productive results, however, it causes other issues when it is not effective. Some commonly reported side effects include muscle aches, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, memory loss, sexual dysfunction, and a loss of ability to feel emotion.

Since the positive or negative effects of medications depend on the individual person, have a word with your mental health care or a doctor before you undertake this course of social phobia treatment.

  • Behavioral therapy: The good news is, there are less risky ways to treat social phobia these days. Behavior therapy is one such way. The aim, in this case, is to intercept and change undesired behaviour. The patient with social anxiety gradually learns to deal with settings that are initially hard to handle. Over time, the patient undergoes many "baby steps" and gains a sense of real control over their lives.

Though it can be uncomfortable at times, behavior therapy has been shown to be effective, especially in conjunction with a step-by-step course to follow.

  • CBT ( Cognitive-behavioral therapy): Cognitive therapy is often closely related to behavior therapy. The aim, in this case, is to reduce or alter a negative mindset. The person gradually learns to recognize thoughts that are grounded in reality from those that occur because of negative self-talk. Just like in behavior therapy, the patient takes active control of his or her own treatment.

A combination of behavior and cognitive therapy is known as cognitive-behavior therapy, or CBT, and is one of the most effective social phobia treatments available today.

  • Biofeedback Therapy- This therapy promotes relaxation, relieving several conditions relating to stress and phobia. It harnesses the power of mind and lets you become aware of what is going on inside your mind and body.
  • Group Therapy- Group therapy comprises of a small group of people with social phobia. Under the guidance of a therapist, you will learn as well as practice some techniques to overcome social phobia.

There are alternative treatment options for social anxiety as well. Meditation techniques are some of these options offered. However,their effectiveness is yet to be determined scientifically. Be sure to take care when exploring these options so you don't waste your time.

If you have a social phobia and are attempting to seek treatment, know that social phobia is a highly treatable disorder. You can get immediate help, and start taking steps right away to beat this disorder.

Self-help is also a very viable option -- you can start helping yourself by undertaking treatments such as cognitive or behavior therapy by consulting a mental health professional or a therapist.

Avail Best Social Phobia Treatment plan in Bangalore

Fortunately, nobody must suffer from social anxiety and live lonely, painful lives because today there's very effective methods of social phobia treatment.

If you or somebody you know suffers from social phobia or an anxiety disorder, then take help from Cadabam’s proven social anxiety treatment program. It teaches an easy technique to quickly stop panic attacks and avoid future attacks along with eliminating chronic anxiety and phobias.

Many socially phobic people have improved tremendously through social phobia treatment, even in debilitating and severe cases, and so can you. Don't delay; seek treatment and make changes for the better in your life today.

For more details on social phobia treatment, call us @9741476476

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