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Drug addiction treatment

Meet Our Team Of Drug Addiction Psychiatrists

Understanding Drug Addiction: Symptoms, Causes, and Impact

Drug addiction is the state in which people take drugs compulsively and lose control over them even after being aware of the negative consequences on their health. An addict finds it difficult to stop using, which creates a vicious cycle of reliance.

Excessive cravings, changes in mood or behaviour, hallucinations, paranoia, denial of their situations, disorganized speech or thinking, and destructive behaviors are the common symptoms of drug addiction.

The causes of drug addiction can vary; it can be an individual's inability to cope with negative emotions like anxiety, anger, rejection, or sadness; pre-existing mental health issues fueling the consumption of the drug; being unable to handle boredom; or it can be early exposure from any family member with a drug addiction problem.

Drugs can have a devastating impact on a person's ability to function in daily life and harms their social and psychological well-being. This often leads to stigma, discrimination, and social withdrawal.

Drug Addiction Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Drug Addictions and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?

CBT is a form of psychotherapy that is popular and effective in treating drug addiction. It navigates individuals’ thoughts that fuel unhealthy behaviours. It can be used alongside medications to treat drug addiction symptoms.

The Principles of CBT

To improve your thinking process, CBT challenges the unhelpful or negative thought patterns that underpin your condition and assists you in forming new, healthier thought patterns and behaviors. The CBT approach believes that your emotional reactions are mainly determined by how you interpret specific situations, regardless of how they affect you or how much they provoke you.

How CBT Differs from Other Therapies

Our CBT at Cadabam’s is different from other therapies in that it concentrates on current thought patterns and behaviors. It trains you to recognize harmful thoughts and swap them out for constructive ones.

Because of its future-focused approach, which teaches you coping strategies to handle difficult situations and emotions so you can manage them on your own in the future, CBT is more action-oriented than other therapies.

Get Drug Addiction Diagnosed in Bangalore

Cadabam’s Hospital might serve as your first stop if you’re thinking about getting diagnosed with drug addiction and treatment in Bangalore. For those who are struggling with drug addiction, our comprehensive approach provides customized CBT therapy along with a thorough diagnosis.

Both the individual and their family gain from this comprehensive approach, which offers invaluable assistance during recovery.

The Role of CBT in Treating Drug Addiction

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy not only tackles negative thoughts and develops coping skills, but it can also improve your problem-solving skills, address co-occurring illnesses, and prevent relapse.

Is CBT Effective for Drug Addiction Management

CBT can be an effective tool for drug addiction management. Studies indicate that with the help of CBT, people can confront these negative thoughts and gain the skills necessary to control their cravings, avoid triggers, and create a better lifestyle that will help them reduce stress, preserve their wellbeing and reduce the risk of relapse.

Combining CBT with Other Treatments for Drug Addiction

Cadabam’s mental health specialists frequently use a combination of treatments, including medication, individual psychotherapy, family therapy, and self-management, in addition to CBT, to treat drug addiction.

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT): DBT encourages people to acknowledge and accept their current situation while also striving to change problematic behaviors that contribute to cravings. A drug addiction psychologist will help people learn new techniques for efficient emotion management. This includes mindfulness practices, distress tolerance techniques, and healthy emotional regulation tactics.

Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET): The goal of MET is to instill a desire to swap bad behaviors for better ones. It’s especially beneficial for people who have conflicting emotions about getting better. MET is a tool used by mental health professionals to foster willingness, confidence, and optimism about change.

Family Counselling: Family counselling provides an opportunity to incorporate family members into the sessions. Learning more about the nature of your addiction and the stigma, difficulties, and consequences that go along with it is important. Incorporating your family into the counselling process can boost your motivation levels and improve the overall efficacy of your treatment.

Engaging Family and Support Systems in the CBT Treatment Process

Involving family members and loved ones in the therapy of drug addicts is critical. Cadabam’s Hospital provides specialized services to help families understand and manage the issues of drug addiction.

These programs offer vital knowledge, coping skills, and emotional support via psychoeducation and family therapy. This encourages families to be more adaptable and helpful, creating a more conducive environment for recovery.

Tailoring CBT to Individual Needs

Cadabam’s offers tailored drug addiction treatment for each client. A personalized treatment plan necessitates careful preparation, and we build a care plan that considers your specific needs and goals.

Depending on your severity, your treatment strategy may involve therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, and regular follow-up visits. By personalizing the approach to you, we want to increase your chances of long-term recovery and overall well-being.

Support Systems and Environment at Cadabam’s

Cadabam’s Hospital is dedicated to providing excellent treatment for people struggling with drug addiction. Our experienced team of mental health specialists creates an environment of understanding and support, encouraging clients to express themselves and take the recovery process at their own pace.

We believe in delivering nonjudgmental care that acknowledges each person’s distinct experiences and challenges.

What to Expect in a CBT Session for Drug Addiction

Cadabam’s provides a systematic yet empathic approach to resolving harmful habits and negative thoughts that contribute to unhealthy behavioral patterns. Most sessions involve the therapist and the individual working together to recognize and combat drug addiction symptoms while also fostering coping mechanisms.

Therapists use evidence-based treatments such as CBT, DBT, MET, and family counselling to help patients comprehend the connections between their feelings, ideas, and actions. Furthermore, incorporating practical skills training may increase social and problem-solving abilities.

Why Choose CBT for Drug Addiction Treatment?

In addition to medication and other therapy, CBT for drug addiction offers promise for symptom reduction and increased functioning by addressing cognitive distortions and improving coping mechanisms.

Benefits of CBT Therapy on Drug Addiction Patients

CBT empowers those struggling with drug addiction by teaching them how to manage triggers and cope with cravings, potentially lowering symptoms and enhancing their quality of life.

Real-Life Impact of CBT on Drug Addiction Patients

Individuals struggling with drug addiction can benefit greatly from cognitive behavioral therapy. It teaches people how to cope with cravings and triggers, resulting in less drug use and better overall health.

CBT can also help identify and confront negative beliefs that contribute to addiction, fostering healthy thinking habits. CBT fosters long-term success by encouraging individuals to have an active part in their own recovery.

Long-Term Success with CBT

Long-term success with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for drug addiction can be seen through increased independence, greater social relationships, and sustained relapse prevention.

Our CBT approach teaches individuals to relapse prevention techniques and tackles negative thought processes that contribute to drug use. This emphasis on long-term advantages enables people to manage cravings and triggers with increased resilience and self-sufficiency, resulting in a smooth and confident route to sobriety.

When Should You Ask for Help?

It’s critical to get help if you see changes in your behavior, mood, or thought pattern that are interfering with your day-to-day activities and relationships. A mental health expert can evaluate these events and offer a diagnosis and treatment plan for substance addiction. Early intervention is critical for symptom management and enhancing long-term outcomes.

Find the Best Rehab Center for Drug Addiction in Bangalore

Finding the best rehabilitation center for drug addiction in Bangalore means searching for a facility that provides a personalized and holistic approach. The center ought to be staffed by skilled and knowledgeable individuals who can offer social support, therapy, and medication management. This comprehensive strategy builds a solid base for symptom management and promotes sustained healing. Cadabam’s Hospital is one such establishment in Bangalore that provides a variety of treatments to assist those with drug addiction on their path to recovery.

Why Choose Cadabam’s ?

Our multidisciplinary team is committed to improving an individual’s physical and emotional health and reducing symptoms at the same time. Providing individuals and their families with confidence and coping techniques that are needed to manage this long-term condition is our mission.

Expert Team of Psychiatrists and Therapists for Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a mental illness that needs to be carefully monitored and treated by medical specialists. A team of qualified psychiatrists and therapists with experience in treating drug addiction treat individuals at Cadabams, offering them continuous support to get through life.

State-of-the-Art Facilities in Cadabam’s for Drug Addiction

Our treatment options are provided by expert mental health professionals in a state-of-the-art facility ensuring timely and efficient support and offering a safe and supportive environment.

Integrating Holistic Therapies for Drug Addiction

Therapies for drug addiction at Cadabams are integrated with a holistic approach that supports long-term recovery. We provide a safe, supportive atmosphere where people can heal at their own pace without feeling overwhelmed and feel empowered to continue their recovery process.

Continued Care and Follow-Up Programs for Drug Addiction

Cadabam’s Hospital is dedicated to offering help and follow-up care after drug addiction treatment. In addition to providing essential supplies required for long-term stability and recovery, we also offer customized support.


How does CBT help in treating Drug Addiction?

Patients with drug addiction who receive CBT at Cadabam’s are able to recognize and alter negative thoughts that have a detrimental effect on their emotions and behaviors. Changing automatic negative thought patterns that worsen anxiety and emotional problems is the aim of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Which CBT techniques are used for Drug Addiction?

Treatment typically involves a combination of medication, therapy, and support services to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. To offer long-term support, cognitive behavioral therapy employs strategies based on each patient’s unique symptoms such as tracing and changing negative thoughts, behavioral experiments, coping skills training, and incorporating a healthier lifestyle.

What does a typical CBT session look like?

On your initial session with your therapist, you may anticipate a comprehensive examination, a review of your medical history, and a discussion of potential treatment options. To rule out the potential that your symptoms are the result of another ailment, they could advise a blood test.

How effective is CBT for Drug Addiction?

CBT is an effective form of therapy that helps people learn coping skills that help them reduce their drug addiction.

What are the benefits of CBT for Drug Addiction?

CBT helps challenge destructive thinking and behaving patterns, thus, allowing you the capacity to make healthy choices, reviews old, negative ways of thinking and fosters positive change in the present moment, helps you gain greater self-awareness and enhances your self-esteem – all of which become the foundational stones helping you recover from your drug addiction.

How many numbers of sessions are required?

It is unique to the condition and willingness to change of each person.

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