Neurofeedback: Does ADHD Brain Training Improve Focus?

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Can Neurofeedback Help Treat ADHD?

Are you looking for a treatment option for your child diagnosed with ADHD? Then you have landed on the right page. Neurofeedback or electroencephalogram (EEG) biofeedback helps your children learn how to direct their brain activity, which will help them focus better at school or work. 

The human brain transmits electrical activity in waves that an electrical device can measure called an electroencephalograph (EEG). At the point when the effects of EEG estimation are analyzed, researchers can distinguish certain brain wave patterns recorded by the machine.

There are specific frequencies of brain waves when we are alert; these are called alpha (medium), beta (quick), and theta (moderate) waves. Alpha waves are seen when the individual is in a relaxed state, and not effectively thinking or interfacing with one's surroundings. Beta waves are available when they are in a focused and problem-solving state. Finally, theta waves are regularly observed amid times of laziness, light rest, or daydreaming, but can also occur during states of carelessness, and anxiety. 

Based on the feedback, a person diagnosed with ADHD can learn to change their typical EEG pattern to one that is predictable with a purposeful, mindful state. This is completed by a collection of EEG data from people as they concentrate on stimuli exhibited on a computer screen.

Traditional treatments for ADHD

Standard treatment for ADHD includes a combination of medication, psychotherapy, specialized education programs, and more. 


At present, psychostimulants or stimulant drugs are prescribed for ADHD. They intend to regulate and boost neurotransmitters in the brain and improve symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity. Some medications prescribed for a short period include amphetamines, methylphenidate, and more. In addition to psychostimulants, other forms of drugs including antidepressants are provided. Although their effect is slower, they tend to be a great option to prevent the side effects of stimulants and for children with specific health conditions. 


Studies show that children diagnosed with ADHD tend to benefit the most from consistent behavioral therapy, social skills training, parent skills training, and counseling. This is especially true if ADHD is also accompanied by symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders. 

With behavioral therapy, the parents or caregivers learn various behavior-modifying strategies like the token system, timeouts, and more to deal with difficult situations. Social skills training is another modality that can help children learn appropriate social behaviors. Furthermore, therapy in the form of parent skills training and family therapy can help guide parents and children through the symptoms of ADHD. 

Neurofeedback training for ADHD

During treatment for ADHD, neurofeedback is administered to regulate decreased levels of stimulation in the frontal region of the brain, an excess of theta waves, and insufficient beta waves. 

The procedure entails placing electrodes on the child’s head to screen brain activity. From simple cues like audio beeps to complex ones that include computer games, the child is given feedback about their brain activity. Once the brain waves reach a desired frequency, the child is asked to follow similar procedures that facilitate the correct path of processing. The child has now learned how to manage arousal levels.

A usual course of neurofeedback treatment varies depending on the nature and severity of ADHD symptoms. Such factors play a huge role as the psychologist decides the duration of treatment. Further, a combination of medications and neurofeedback treatment for ADHD is also administered to achieve effective results.

The idea of neurofeedback is to help your child regulate brain waves to improve their level of concentration and reduce the symptoms of ADHD. 

Neurofeedback isn’t widely accepted yet

Accepting neurofeedback as a treatment option for ADHD is influenced by several factors. While this modality of treatment has proven to be effective, the quantity of evidence available for the same is limited and mixed. Research studies on neurofeedback for ADHD have been conducted on a small scale which is findings cannot be generalizable. 

Further, the procedure of neurofeedback and how it impacts the symptoms of ADHD are not fully understood. This lack of understanding can hamper the adoption of neurofeedback as one of the main treatment options for ADHD. Another factor that limits the use of neurofeedback for ADHD is that there are alternative evidence-based treatment options like behavioral therapy, medication, and social skills training. These techniques show consistent results in both reducing the symptoms of the condition and improving overall well-being. 

It is important to note that the field of neurofeedback is continually evolving, and further research may shed more light on its efficacy and application as a treatment for ADHD. As scientific evidence accumulates, the acceptance and integration of neurofeedback may increase in the future.

One size doesn’t fit all

What works for one child, may not work for another. Keeping this in mind as you navigate through different treatment approaches for ADHD is paramount to a smooth recovery. At Cadabam’s Hospital, our team of qualified professionals including psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, and certified healthcare providers offer a range of services that prioritize safety, effectiveness, and confidentiality. Personalized and holistic treatment is provided, including symptom management and aftercare. Contact us at +91 9741476476 for mental health support.


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