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Alcohol addiction treatment

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There are numerous advantages to being a part of the group therapy process that equal or exceed individual therapy, as group therapy –

• Provides education about the recovery process.
• Provides support and motivation from members that help in achieving recovery goals.
• Enhances routine and structure in the members’ lives.
• Uses therapeutic tools such as challenging destructive thinking patterns to bring about behavioural changes.
• Provides tools to manage daily stressors without using alcohol.
• Provides a space where group members can offer feedback and encouragement to each other.
• Give members opportunities to learn from others different methods of problem-solving.
• Builds self-worth, optimism, and belief in the process of recovery.
• Helps develop relationships with other members that become a source of support outside of the group setting.
• Provides simultaneous access to therapy for multiple clients with one therapist.
• Ensures members stick to their recovery goals by confronting poor decision-making.

Addiction Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Addictions and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


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Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

How effective is Group Therapy for Alcohol Addiction?

Group therapy is effective in treating alcohol addiction as it helps clients learn to overcome anxiety, symptoms of depression, and painful withdrawal symptoms.

How does Group Therapy for Alcohol Addiction work?

Group therapy sessions happen usually once or twice a week for 1-2 hours, which are facilitated by one or two trained psychologists. The members can consist of as little as 3-4 or even more than 12 members.

How many numbers of sessions are required?

For most effective results from group therapy, it is best to stay the course of all the sessions. Group sessions usually have pre-designed modules which may consist of a set number of weekly sessions over a period of 3 months, or for a whole year’s duration. Each person will take different time to recover. It is best to use group therapy in conjunction with individual therapy and pharmacological treatment.

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