Anxiety Psychologist Psychotherapy

What is anxiety attack? Anxiety attack vs Panic attack

  • By:
  • Last Update:19 December,2016
  • Reading Time: 2 minutes

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An anxiety attack occurs when an individual feels fearful, uncertain and threatened due to a particular stressor and symptoms only go away when the stressor does.

Panic attack on the other hand occurs unannounced, unprovoked or without any stressor in the environment. The individual here experiences a sudden surge of overwhelming fear and anxiety.

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A lot of the times these attacks have been mistaken for heart-attacks, because of palpitations, chest pain or difficulty breathing. However, it's essential to remember that symptoms like these won’t give you a heart attack. These attacks end up crippling the individual, causing them to suffer in their work and social activities.

Both the symptoms of an anxiety and panic attack include:

  • Feeling fearful
  • Feeling of losing control
  • Feeling threatened
  • Feeling that you might pass out
  • Feeling the need to escape
  • Dizziness
  • Palpitations
  • Trembling of hands
  • Sweating
  • Irregular breathing
  • Turning pale
  • Derealisation (detachment from reality)
  • Depersonalization (detachment from self)
  • Tingling sensations in the stomach
  • Pins and needles

First aid for anxiety and panic attack:

  • Deep breathe.

Take in large amounts of oxygen through your nostril, wait for a second and exhale carbon dioxide out of your system. Keep repeating this at least for 20 minutes once you realized you are experiencing an attack. You can close your eyes while doing so. Try to keep calm; you know the attack won’t kill you.

  • Re-focus.

Instead of worrying about something, try to assess why you are worrying about it. It’s okay to worry but you have at some point gain control over your thoughts, you cannot allow it to overwhelm you. Stick to the facts; don’t believe everything you’re thinking.

  • Rationalize with your feelings.

Remember these feelings that you are experiencing shall pass. It is just your body’s alarm system; you don’t have to consider it threatening. These discomforting feelings will and shall pass away. Relax and deep breathe.

  • Tell yourself you are okay.

During the times of attack, tell yourself, ‘I am okay! And this feeling shall pass.’ Tell your anxiety and panic attacks to get lost and let them know that you are the master of your body and not them. And you will control you body and how it feels. Keep repeating positive statements like these; you will gain back your control.

Panic attacks result in panic disorder; due to recurring and regular panic attacks, one may be diagnosed for panic disorder. 1 in 75 experiences a panic disorder. Anxiety attacks result in anxiety disorders. Hence it is vital to seek professional help to help you deal with these disorders. With psychotherapy and medications you would be able to manage and even reverse your condition. For the best 24 hour psychiatric emergency care, call Cadabams Hospitals on +919741476476.

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