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Depression treatment

Meet Our Team Of Depression Psychiatrists


There is no "one size fits all" treatment for depression because no two people are affected by it in the same manner. What is effective for one individual may not be effective for another. However, by getting as informed as possible, you can discover treatments that can help you overcome depression, reclaim your life, and feel happy and hopeful again. We frequently attempt to solve problems on our own, and in many situations, we succeed. However, in other cases, we may lack the necessary skills to deal with issues that arise in our lives, workplaces, relationships, and situations. These things can add up rapidly and have a negative impact on your mental health. This is when speaking with a counsellor, either in person or over the phone or online, is critical. All of these attributes, and more, can be found in our counsellors at Cadabams. Choosing Cadabams ensures that you receive the greatest and most suitable counselling solutions for your specific needs.

Why Does One Need a Counselor for Depression Treatment?

Counselors are a key part of depression treatment and provide essential support by offering a safe, non-medical, talk-therapy-focused approach. They offer emotional support, practical coping strategies, and enable you to make behavioral changes through techniques like cognitive-behavioral therapy. Counselors assist in stress management, personal growth, and self-awareness, complementing the specialized roles of psychologists and psychiatrists. Their emphasis on emotional well-being makes them integral in a comprehensive, holistic approach to depression treatment.

How Counselors in Hyderabad Can Help a Depression Patient?

Counselors in Hyderabad play a crucial role in aiding depression patients by offering non-medical support revolving around talk therapy. They create a safe space for emotional expression, provide coping strategies, and address disruptive thought patterns.

Counselors help provide individuals with increased control and independence, develop stress management skills and promote personal growth. Their role complements that of psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists, focusing on emotional well-being and helping patients in managing their depression through the recovery process.

Treatments Offered by a Depression Counselor in Hyderabad

Our counselors for depression in Hyderabad offer a diverse range of treatments that are typically non-medical and talk-therapy-oriented. These include creating a supportive environment for patients to discuss their emotions and experiences, developing coping strategies to manage depression symptoms, and rewiring negative thought patterns. They assess an individual through regular sessions and may employ techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for recovery along with other self-care strategies.

Treatment & Rehab Centers in Hyderabad for Depression

Cadabam’s stands as the best destination for exceptional depression treatment and rehabilitation in Hyderabad. Our cutting-edge facility is managed by a team of seasoned and empathetic counselor who are committed to guiding individuals on the path to improved mental well-being. If you seek a nurturing environment where you can openly express your emotions and avail evidence-based therapeutic methods for depression, Cadabams is the right choice for your needs.

How to Find the Best Depression Counselor in Hyderabad.

When searching for the best depression counselor in Hyderabad, Cadabams Hospitals is a top choice. Our team of licensed counselors is adept at assisting you in managing depression symptoms and achieving long-term recovery. Our professionals recognize that depression varies among individuals, and they are well-prepared to tailor individualized treatment plans to address your specific concerns. Reach out to us today to gain a comprehensive understanding of how our counselors approach treating depression.

Why Cadabams

Cadabams stands at the forefront of mental healthcare, renowned for our commitment to providing comprehensive, holistic treatment programmes for our clients. With a specialized psychiatric hospital and numerous rehabilitation centers spanning across South India, we provide unparalleled recovery solutions for a wide spectrum of mental health disorders.

Our extensive experience spanning over three decades in the realm of mental healthcare has solidified our position as leaders in the industry. We take pride in the caliber of our professionals, who merge their expertise with genuine empathy to deliver individuals the utmost quality of care possible.

Depression Psychiatry: What is it and how can it help you?


Living with Depression and Overcoming Them: Survivor Stories


Our Infrastructure, Care Facilities and Strong Community Support Ensure Better Patient Outcomes

Specific learning disability
Personality disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Drug addiction
Chronic Pain

What to expect during your first counselor consultation for depression? 

In your first counselor consultation for depression, expect a highly confidential, non-judgmental and welcoming atmosphere. The counselor will engage in a dialogue about the nature, severity, and expressions of your depression and assess your concerns accordingly. They identify the core issues and set goals of your therapeutic journey. This information forms the basis for constructing a tailored treatment plan that adjusts according to your continued open communication in sessions going forward. 

When is the right time to visit a counselor for depression? 

If you consistently experience symptoms like persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, changes in sleep or appetite or difficulty concentrating, it is the right time to visit a counselor for depression. If you experience more severe symptoms such as thoughts of self-harm, seek assistance immediately. 

Early intervention can prevent the condition from worsening and improve your overall well-being, so don’t hesitate to reach out to a counselor when you notice these signs, as they can provide guidance, support, and effective treatment options to help you manage your depression.

How effective is it to consult a counselor for depression?

Consulting a counselor for depression is very effective as they provide evidence-backed therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy. These primarily talk based therapies have been shown to significantly reduce depressive symptoms and improve overall mental health. 

Counselors are also key in helping individuals understand the root causes of their depression, and develop coping strategies accordingly through open communication.

How much does a counselor consultation cost in Hyderabad?

The cost for a counselor consultation for depression at Cadabams Hospitals is currently Rs. 800. However, prices may be adjusted based on the specific needs of the client. 

Where can I find a counselor in Hyderabad?

Cadabams Hospitals is a top choice if you are seeking a counselor for depression in Hyderabad. Our team of counselors brings a wealth of experience to the table, and they are adept at cultivating a safe and nurturing space to improve your emotional well-being. Their forte lies in tailoring flexible, personalized solutions to cater specifically to your unique requirements. Our experts will provide the resources you need to effectively cope with and address your depression while setting out on the path to recovery.

Is it possible for online therapy to be as beneficial as in-person therapy?

Yes, online therapy can be just as beneficial and effective as face-to-face counselling.

What kinds of questions should I expect from therapists?

Every therapist is unique, and the types of questions you ask will vary depending on your specific therapeutic goals. The majority of therapists will inquire about your thoughts and feelings. They’ll also inquire about the most important aspects of your life, such as your relationships, school, job, and health. If your therapists are confused about your therapy goals, they will most likely ask questions to clarify them.

Is it possible for online therapy to be as beneficial as in-person therapy?

Yes, online therapy can be just as beneficial and effective as face-to-face counselling.

What kinds of questions should I expect from therapists?

Every therapist is unique, and the types of questions you ask will vary depending on your specific therapeutic goals. The majority of therapists will inquire about your thoughts and feelings. They’ll also inquire about the most important aspects of your life, such as your relationships, school, job, and health. If your therapists are confused about your therapy goals, they will most likely ask questions to clarify them.


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